This article is called, "Too many scammers but who is the best? I am talking about total "DECEPTION." Consider this. You or I change our appearance, then we go out…
This article is called, "Too many scammers but who is the best? I am talking about total "DECEPTION." Consider this. You or I change our appearance, then we go out…
This article is called "THE KNOWN AND THE UNKNOWN." I think the first thing any person would ask will be this one. "OK, so, what is it that is unknown?"…
This article is called, REALITY- Good Sinner or Bad Sinner. Now that is a real question and mouthful. See, we live in a world and society that legislates immorality worldwide.…
This article is called, "The Word of Faith Movement." The Word of Faith movement grew out of the Pentecostal movement in the late 20th century. Its founder was E. W.…
This article is called "The Christian and effects of sin." I want to start this article with what I think may be the most important statement about the Christian person…
This article is called, "I am not ashamed." There are many things in my life that I have done, and I am truly ashamed of them. I am not proud…
This article is called, "What is the real meaning and purpose of life?" I promise you that there will be many opinions regarding this question. Psychologist all over the world…
This article is called, "Is America Drunk with Power and Sin?" Think about this question for a moment. My answer has to be a very big "Yes." In our society,…
This article is called "Satan-Deception and Sin." do you like a deal or a real deal? A good deal with a good price is always good, correct. We call that…
This article is called, "What is most important verse or topic in the Bible.?" Is it having a Bible? Is it studying the Bible? Is it studying the laws in…