The Questions That Will Save Your Relationships
AUTHOR: The Questions That Will Save Your Relationships | Glennon Melton Glennon Melton Become a fan Bestselling Author, Carry On, Warrior and Founder of Momastery. I found this article and…
AUTHOR: The Questions That Will Save Your Relationships | Glennon Melton Glennon Melton Become a fan Bestselling Author, Carry On, Warrior and Founder of Momastery. I found this article and…
I Love You. These are powerful, serious and dangerous words. When does, I love you, really mean, I love you? Let me give you an example. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia says, “ILOVEYOU, sometimes referred to as Love Letter, was a computer worm that attacked tens of millions of Windows personal computers on and after 5 May 2000.” (more…)
The Look Of Love, what does it look like? I have to ask, “Is the look toward you or away from you? Is someone looking at you or are you looking at someone?” Is this look real or fake? I often look at people just to see if I know them or recognize them. Looking at someone can be cordial or just friendly. (more…)
Things are not what they use to be. Things that use to be important, no longer are. I guess the changes in everyday living is part of that. Is this part of our progression of life? I have to ask, “What causes things that were important to become less important?” So, What is important? (more…)
Boy, Oh, Boy, Have I stepped in it now? I am actually writing about “Relationship Advice.” I do write about my theme which is love, so maybe I am not too unqualified. From what I see on the internet, I may be a genius. I have to laugh and have a little fun and I hope you will also. (more…)
If I asked you to give me a formal definition of the words “Sweet Love”, what would it be? Or, would you try and give me an example? Is that how you would define the meaning? We do use comparisons and examples to try and explain what we are trying to convey or mean. Finding love quotes and love poetry is easy. Finding a formal definition is not easy. (more…)
If you were asked by someone, “Stand By Me,” what would you say? What would you think? How would you interrupt the request? Would they be asking you to come and stand beside them, or would they be asking more? Would the request be literal or figurative and mean something else? (more…)
How well can we describe and understand communication? Have you ever wondered what someone is saying and where it came from? Another vital question is, Why did they say it? I want to talk about communication and its process. It’s really not that complicated. I want to discuss how words and speech impact our lives, especially words of love.
Words are used to express and communicate something. Words convey a message and meaning. They are delivered with intent. The way words are delivered and received, makes all the difference. All words are powerful and have the ability to uplift or tear down. Words can be good or bad, happy or sad. The words of love, are those words most desired. (more…)
I am naming this article, “Relationship Advice For Women.” I hope the content is geared more for the women but it also applies to the men. I find that women generally have a more real concern about relationships than men. I do not claim to be an authority on the subject of relationships. I do think I have some common sense to share. (more…)
What is The Greatest Love? I am sure opinions will vary from person to person. I do not expect everyone to agree with me. I do expect some will come, see the content and leave. This article is one that brings strong feelings and emotions. This article is one that is offensive to many. (more…)