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This article is called, “Come Jesus Come.” It is inspired by the song made famous by CeCe Winans. I love the song because it shows the depth and desire of every true born again, blood washed, born again Christian. Ity shows the ultimate desire that lives in every Christians heart. HERE IS A VIDEO OF THIS POWERFUL SONG AND ITS MEANING. I DO HOPE THAT YOU WILL LISTEN AND ENJOY? THE WORDS WILL BE ADDED HERE ALSO.


Come Jesus Come

Song by

CeCe Winans

“Sometimes I fall to my knees and pray
Come, Jesus, come
Let today be the day
Sometimes I feel like I’m gonna break
But I’m holding on
To a hope that won’t fade

Come, Jesus, come
We’ve been waiting so long
For the day You return
To heal every hurt and right every wrong
We need You right now
Come and turn this around
Deep down I know this world isn’t home
Come, Jesus, come

There’ll be no war
And there’ll be no chains
When Jesus comes
Let today be the day
He’ll come for the weak
And the strong just the same
And all will believe in the power of His name

Come, Jesus, come
We’ve been waiting so long
For the day You return
To heal every hurt and right every wrong
We need You right now
(Come and turn this around) turn this around
Deep down I know this world isn’t home
Come, Jesus, come
Come, Jesus, come

One day He’ll come
And we’ll stand face to face
Come and lay it all down
‘Cause it might be today
The time is right now
There’s no need to wait
Your past will be washed by rivers of grace

Come, Jesus, come
We’ve been waiting so long
For the day You return
To heal every hurt and right every wrong
We need You right now
(Come and turn this around) turn this around
Deep down I know this world isn’t home
Come, Jesus, come
Come, Jesus, come
Come, Jesus, come.”

To the entire song, I say AMEN, AND COME JESUS COME. THIS IS THE HOPE AND DESTINY OF EVERY SAVED CHRISTIAN, AND BOY IT IS WORTH THE WAIT, BUT NOT MUCH LONGER. There are many worth while comments made by people who were moved by this song and they commented publically, so I am going to post some of them here. It would also be very nice if you left your own comment about the song.

I am 19 years old, raised in a Christian family, I have 9 siblings. And I want to serve God for the rest of my life!

I have listened to this song over and over. Both the words and voice are powerful. Thank you Jesus.

Jesus can heal your brokenness! Give your heart to Him today. You will never be alone again. He loves you so much..Come into His forever family!

This song hit me like a ton of bricks…my heart began to ache, my soul burst into flames, and the dam began to break—-from the pressure cooker of adversity. My eyes cried out water as my longing for Jesus escaped me in deep intercession, pleading for my Maker to come quickly–Come deliver me, Come, Prince of Peace, Come now…

Can you all pray for South Africa 😭the amount of killing against women in my country is heartbreaking 💔

I can’t stop listening to this song, since yesterday. Yesterday was the first it popped up on my phone!! I miss my mom so much. Just recently I wish for all the things I heard in the song, it really touched me and brought me to tears today.

Lord im grateful for healing me from years of bleeding, nights i cried just cause i thought each night will be my last . thank you Heavenly Father.

My son is currently held captive by the demon of alcohol. My heart is breaking. I can not fix it. But God can. I pray my son will turn to Jesus for freedom.

My husband was abused physically and had cancer as a child, when i met him he stuttered so bad he could barely state his name. Today he speaks clearly, is cancer free, and a great father to both our children. The victory belongs to Jesus!!

I’ve listened to this song repeatedly, when it ends it feels like Cece should continue singing, It ends too soon. Its Been a hymnal and has blessed me.

I am only 15 and i am not a Christian and my childhood hasn’t been easy but when I first heard this song my mind went blank and I said to myself maybe this is a sign to let god be my shepherd and let him lead me to a great new life so this year I am becoming a child of god and I will tell everybody.

Thank you Ma’am for saying yes to the call of God. You are a kingdom gem.

I’ve been praying that my husband would except Jesus as his saviour for 42 years. He refuses to have anything to do with Christianity, I’ve often thought it’s going to take a Saul falling off his horse experience before he will call upon the Lord. Please pray for him, he’s not getting any younger. Thank you and bless you.

I’m a truck driver. While driving last night this song came on. Let me to tell you, halfway though the song, I felt the Holy Spirit rush through me with so much Grace I almost had to pullover to dry my eyes. Our GOD is so AMAZING!

Praise you Jesus. Lord we pray for peace in the world. Middle-East, Ukraine/Russia, Sudan and DRC in Jesus Na

The doctors told my mother at my birth don’t get too close to this one she won’t be here long. Thank you Jesus, I’ve been here 3 decades 😊

I was feeling so lost and unhappy…confused on what to do next but this song makes me feel loved and I reflect on how far Jesus has brought me and I just want to say Thank you Jesus for the season am in…everyone has left me and my husband but am rest assured Jesus you haven’t left us.

Thank you Jesus for everything you have done for me . Thanks for reminding everyday to always forgive and to have love him my hear.

Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today His name is Jesus.


I was raised in a good Christian home by two of the most wonderful parents anyone ever had, over the years I got away from Church , now now Im 53 I have Parkienson Disease, Throat Cancer,Lung Cancer, and medical problems to many things and through it all, he’s always been here, the pain, sleepless nights, the tears, and the fear,I recently got back to the Church and I gave my heart and my life to the Good Lord , and for the first time in a very long time, I feel like I’m going to be okay,he never left me , My hope and prayers for anyone who reads this no matter what is going on in your life, just say Jesus I need you, and give your life to him, my life story is about over , but I know in my heart I will be with him soon, don’t wait,hit your knees close your eyes and humbley ask Jesus to turn it around and he will hold your hand through it , Thank You Jesus for this amazing life you have blessed me with!

Can’t wait to see our Jesus our soon coming King so thankfull for all he’s done.

Ive listen to this song like over 100 time! My daughter needs healing. She’s suffering from mental depression she attacks my son in Panama City Beach, Florida, and is now in jail. Please lift us up in pray for her healing

I’m so tired. Come Jesus Come I need you today .💔🙏

I did a cervical cancer screening and devil started bringing thoughts to my mind. And he asked me of what I would do if the result comes out positive. I replied immediately that God heals me of all my diseases and this won’t be an exception. I received the result days after and it’s negative. Praise Jesus forever more.

Just concluded an exposition of Revelation. Do we believe He will do what He says He will do? Will He right every wrong? Will He heal every hurt? Looking forward to that day with childlike anticipation Meanwhile let’s live everyday expecting His presence in every situation Let’s live in utmost preparedness for the beauty and majesty. #maranatha Come Jesus come.

That has to be the most powerful song ever sang thank you.

I’m fighting silent battles & I just want to let anyone out there who’s going through the most right now, to know you’re not alone! We will get through this! God promises to never leave us nor forsake us. As this too shall pass! Sending you all so much love & lightContinue praying & believe in your prayers! Remember it takes faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain. Nothing is impossible for our God! ❤❤❤😩😩 Words can’t express how much I Love him!❤❤


Woooo Cece Winans pulled this song right out of Heaven! I got chills! Come Jesus come 

This woman is full of anointing. Her songs are so healing. God bless you Ma’am

It’s my first time hearing this song and it had me in tears thinking how Gods hand had saved me and children in a terrible car accident. The Grace of God is enough. 

Thank you Jesus for the gift of life and the grace to know you. I pray for everyone to come to know you for you’re the way, the truth & the life.

To remember the length and depths of God’s love displayed in Jesus Obedience even unto death… and Resurrection Glory to His Name!

Wow I heard this song for the first time ever. I tell you the words to this song is so powerful. I’ve actually listened to it over and over again. Seven or eight years ago my daughter was addicted to drugs and God stepped in and brought her back to him. So thankful for what he’s done in her’s and his lives. They are both serving God and doing a work with those addicts to show them the way to Him. Great song and what a powerful voice you have Cece.

With everything that is happening in this world and right around us, I think this song is so appropriate. We need Jesus to come back to gather us up and take us out of the corruption! 

This is an amazing song . My home isn’t here and I’m waiting for the day that I can see my Jesus face to face and worship him ..

Amen Yes I want you to pray for me for my health, family, and finance. I need my faith all the time

this is what an angel’s voice sounds 

When a song comes out and your spirit agrees that this is a timely massage then you know a generation will encounter God. Thanks MAMA Cece for being that vessel . May surely come to heal his people, how we need him right now. 2:06

God is good and merciful.

I testify today that I am healed of a leg complication in Jesus’s name.i just never wanted to go to hospital even though it really felt like I should.i chose not to and put all my trust in God and he did it for me.halleluyha

Tears is a language only God understands Every secret battle you’re Facing Be free now from depression in the name of Jesus.


There are so many testimonies and comments, I cannot post them all. But I wanted to post some of these. What would we do without music? I am very thankful God gave us voices and music-AMEN. What I do have to ask is can you identify with and relate to the truth of this song? If you are a Christian just wait until we get home to heaven and sing and praise God forever-AMEN.

DEAR READER? If you are not a Christian and you have never been forgiven by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ, then your eternal destiny will not be in heaven but in hell and that is the gospel truth. Let me use just one verse to show you how you can come to know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. II Corinthians 5:21 “21 For He (GOD) hath made Him (JESUS) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that WE might be made the righteousness of God in him.” The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus paid for ALL our sins and brought total forgiveness from God, for all eternity-AMEN. It is free to you for the asking but it cost the greatest sacrifice ever made. 

Romans 10:13 “For who so ever shall call on the name of the Lord might be saved.” Have you ever turned to God in His mercy and grace, acknowledged your own sinfulness and ask Him for forgiveness mercy, grace and acceptance? Lets be honest for a minute. All of us have sinned and done things that we should have. Understand this, WE ARE THE SINNERS, JESUS IS THE SAVIOR AND JESUS CAME TO SAVE SINNER. It is that simple. Will you bow your heart right now and ask for forgiveness and accept total Salvation. If you have then please let me know in the comment section below so that I can rejoice with you. And all comments are welcome, this concludes this article, “COME JESUS COME. RAY

The fact that the most played portion of this song is at the start just shows how many people restarted this song to listen to it again! Hall

I’m a loving testimony used to be depressed due to delay in my academics but Jesus came and set me free today I’m finally a graduate❤ thank you


This version is so beautiful! 😭😭😭

When you allow Jesus to come in your heart ❤️ all things are possible.

Dear God! Thanks for this beautiful life and forgive me if sometimes it seems as if I don’t love i


I was about to die from an overdose in my apartment in Miami all alone after so many different drugs…I went to grab my phone and I couldn’t even see what I pressed and out of no where YouTube started and this song played. My heart was beating out of my chest and then the room turned white and I felt at peace. My heart slowed down and I survived. Jesus Christ is real people. He saved my life.

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