This article is called, “Equal with God.” Does such a thing actually exist? Just ask Lucifer/Satan. He
has first hand personal knowledge and tried to make it real, in his own life. Yet Lucifer wanted to set his own throne above God’s. And that is still his goal in this world. Even the Bible calls him the “god” of this world who has blinded the minds of mankind. II Corinthians 4:4 “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”
Unfortunately, mankind is proclaiming they are equal with God, and do not hide it. I actually see some of these Morons proclaiming, I am “god.” Now please read and understand this verse from Genesis 3:4-5 “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (EQUAL) How many cultures and religions throughout history, has proclaimed their rulers were “gods?”
How many have proclaimed their godhood, being a deity, even a messiah and many claiming to be Jesus? What is the first commandment God gave to His children? Exodus 20:1 “Exodus 20:1-3 “And God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.”
What is chaos? The internet says, “Complete disorder and confusion: physics behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions.Chaos is a state of utter confusion or disorder, a total lack of organization or order. The formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe. greek mythology the first created being, from which came the primeval deities Gaia, Tartarus, Erebus, and Nyx.” I think this expresses what chaos is. And boy do we see this in certain Religions, churches and dominations. THEY LIVE AND THRIVE ON IT-CHAOS.
Dear Reader, there are certain Religions, and even so-called Christians who live their life in chaos. They claim their chaos is “SUPERNATURAL” and given to them by God Himself. God said, I Corinthians 14:40 “Let all things be done decently and in order.” They live for the spectacular, Miraculous, and fake it. Satan and his little demons are always willing to give you something to please your flesh, but it is not of God. People are putting their faith and trust in this, and claim it is their blessings from God. Satan is always willing to give you some kind of experience.
JOB 38:4-13 KJV, Click the link and see what God asked Job. God brought order out of chaos, Satan has brought chaos out of order. Job knew who he was and knew who God was. Job served God. In many our so called modern day churches, God serves mankind/humans. Job knew he was NOT on Gods’ level, nor equal with God in attributes, power and authority. Modern day denominations have NOT learned this yet, but continue to proclaim the own power and authority given by God. So, they continue to spout off, “WE ARE GODS. WE CAME FROM GOD, AND GOD MADE US GODS.” Isaiah 42:8 God said He would not give or share His Glory, or Praise, with no one.
Then add “the word of faith movement which is no gospel, but a fake movement. Name it and claim it. God wants everyone to be rich and if you are not it is because you do not have enough faith. In simple words, you have the right to “OBLIGATE GOD” to give you what you want. That is no gospel. That is a money making machine, making God the banker.
John 10:34-38. Jesus is in an argument (AGAIN) with the Religious Rulers of His day. Jesus quoted their own law Psalm 82:5-7 “Jesus answered them, “Has it not been written in your Law, ‘I SAID, YOU ARE GODS’? (HUMAN RULERS LIKE WE HAVE TODAY). Jesus is NOT calling them gods. It is a “REBUKE” TO THEM.” Similar to you are acting like you are gods and when did that happen? Who made you gods and gave you such power and authority? Boy we definitely see the same God attitude in religions and denominations today.
I agree with Never Thirst ministries when they say, “We are like God in many ways, but we do not have the identical nature of God. The Hebrew words for “like” and “image” mean that we resemble Him, but we do not have all of His attributes. Yes, God can think. He has emotions and He has a will. So do we! But God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16) and we are wicked (Rom. 3:23). God is eternal, but we are mortal (1 Cor. 15:54; 1 Tim. 1:17). God is infinite, and therefore we cannot escape His presence; but we are finite (Psalms 139:7-10). God is all powerful (Luke 1:37), but we are not. God knows
everything (Job 37:16; Job 38-40) but we do not. If we are gods, why is our knowledge limited? God can do anything that He wants (Luke 1:37). Can “little gods”? What can little gods do? Can “little gods” only create wealth and health? Why are “little gods” limited in their powers if they are in fact “like” God?
There is an old saying, “THE MORE THINGS CHANGE THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME.” Why is that? BECAUSE SIN HAS NEVER CHANGED. Here is a true comparison. The religious rulers of Jesus claimed to be the authority of God on earth. They had taken Gods word and broke it down into thousands of little mini-commandments. In addition, the added their own human customs and made them authoritative. Jesus battled them all of His ministry and they were determined to have Him killed.
Now we live in an identical world with the same so-called Religious rulers with more power and authority. If the 12 original Apostles were alive today, they would not even recognize the New Apostolic Reformation scammers, who claim to be Apostles, Prophets, and the Supreme Authorities. Neither does Jesus recognize them or their so called authority. Jesus would not be buying any of their books, telling everyone how to be rich, or how God wants everyone to be rich. Jesus stated how the church of Laodicea (the last church and church age), We are living in it, and as Jesus said, “YOU MAKE ME WANT TO PUKE.” Neither Jesus nor the original Apostles would condone or endorse any of this.
Jesus would probably do what He did in the temple when he took whips and run the people out of the temple. John 2:13-22. Yes the Temple court had become the MARKET PLACE for trade. Just look at everything that is being sold from Mega-Churches. Just as the religious rulers of Jesus day made themselves the Religious rulers and Spiritual authority, so we have the same thing today. Just look at the fake “NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION MOVEMENT. It is no different. Just look at the Vatican and look at all the churches who have accepted the Political Correctness, wokeism, and allow all immorality, to come into their churchs while they accept it.
The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, His death, burial and resurrection is no longer needed and has been replaced, by those who claim His authority and has replaced Him with anything and everything. We are where Jesus said we would be at his return. Never think you or any human is equal with God. SIN SAYS DIFFERENTLY, AND WE ARE ALL SINNERS IN GODS EYES.
Dear Reader, here is the most important thing you need to know in your life. Please listen to me. We are all human and make mistakes. God calls that SIN. Please go look in the mirror and tell me the person you see is PERFECT and never sinned. We all know better. This is PERSONAL to you, me and everyone. We have all sinned, messed up, made mistakes and that is a very personal issue between you and God. What will get me to heaven will get you to heaven. What will send me to hell will send you to hell. The only thing that will get you to heaven is accepting Jesus Christ into your heart and life as your own personal Savior for FORGIVENESS OF SIN. The only thing that will send you to hell is the REJECTION OF Jesus Christ for the FORGIVENESS OF SIN, AND SALVATION.
We live in a very Evil Wicked time in this world. Jesus is coming back for His children in the Rapture of the church, and you do not want to be here to face what is coming on this world and the anti-christ, it will be hell on earth. Jesus died a wicked death on the cross for OUR SINS, so WE can be saved and have eternal Salvation. Here is the real message of Salvation. II Corinthians 5:21 “For He (GOD), hath made Him (JESUS) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that WE might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” NO CHURCH OR RELIGION NECESSARY, JUST THE DEATH, BURIAL AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS FOR FORGIVENESS AND SALVATION. I do not think in most modern day churches God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit would be welcome there. When did Churches and Organization, become equal with God? To the contrary, they want to be welcome in your life, your heart and your soul. THAT IS WHAT THEY TRULY WANT. THAT IS WHERE THEY TRULY BELONG.
Will You, turn from yourself and turn to God, for FORGIVENESS and have a personal relationship with Him. God will save you and give you eternal
life with him just as He did with me. It’s all yours for the asking. Again Romans 10:13 “For who so ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Will you, Bow your heart, turn to Him, and ASK, CALL ON HIM. He will instantly SAVE YOU. JESUS IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SEPARATE YOU FROM SIN. WE WILL NEVER BE EQUAL WITH GOD, BUT WE CAN BE GODS CHILDREN, SAVED AND FORGIVEN FOR ALL ETERNITY.
If you have asked, called upon God, for forgiveness of sin and Salvation, please let me know below in the comment section so I can rejoice with you. Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them below in the comment section also. And enjoy the song in this video. RAY