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This article is called “GENDER NEUTRAL GOD.” Is there such a thing, is God any gender you want him or her to be? He, She, or It? Many Religions have different names for their so called god. I am talking about the creator, the God of the Bible. According to the United Kingdom and The Church of England, yes there is. And they do not want anyone in their country or coming into their country preaching anything else. The world famous preacher, Franklin Graham was denied a Visa to go to England and preach there. He has been informed that he is not welcome there and that his message of salvation and forgiveness does not fit their beliefs about God. 


It appears that the UK and the Church of England has developed a “god” whom they will accept, and nothing else is acceptable. I mean when it comes to God, you must re-make him or her or any gender you choose, except for Male. After all mankind makes God in their own image. It is give me the god that I want and the god I will accept. My god will serve me and what I want. Through out history, Emperor after Emperor, killed thousand and thousands of Christians. They died for God and died for their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. Are we at that place again? We already know there are certain Religions who kill Christians just because they hate them. 

The Church of England wants to appear acceptable to the world. They will try anything to appeal to culture. Nonbelievers are always welcome and accepted, into their Religion. But they have disrespect for Christians and the word of God. And Christian words and terms are not acceptable to them. They push the notion that we are all part of the same global community. Different communities are all part of the world and global community. The church of England wants to stop calling their church a church. They do not want to offend other religions-no joke

The real question is this. DOES THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND TRULY BELIEVE IN GOD? We do know the church of England has gone Politically Correct and has accepted wokeness. They are not looking for Christ or accepting God’s Word. They need a way to compete with the world for numbers and members. Adopting and accepting political, social and worlds standards is the way they have gone now. They believe they are being left behind, and are not important anymore, just accept worlds standards, that are totally ungodly, to become important. The church of England is saying, we are no longer a church, we are a community, and do not want to offend anyone. (NOW THAT IS SICKENING). They will accept anything, just to be accepted, and add numbers to their new community.

Let me refresh your memory. King Charles prior to his coronation, had previously converted to Islam and became a Muslim, that is well know. He ascended to the Throne and was officially coronated through the Church of England. He swore an oath to England and the church of England. He is CHURCH” to be the protector of the church. He did not swear an “OATH” to a community. I think they have sold their souls to the devil. Jesus said, Matthew 16:18 “Upon this rock I will build my “CHURCH“, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Dropping the word church from church, is signing a death contract. Satan is having his way in this church. Jesus did not ever create a community He created “HIS CHURCH.” Real Christians in England should rise up, hit the streets and be preaching the real gospel of Jesus Christ.


What is Christianophobia? As got questions .com says: “The word Christianophobia literally means “fear of Christians.” But, just as very few people are genuinely afraid of homosexuals (the literal meaning of homophobia), so are very few people actually fearful of Christians. Usually, Christianophobia refers to the state of being hateful or spiteful to Christians. A Christianophobe hates or despises Christians and/or what they stand for. JUST BRING ON THE GENDER NEUTRAL PRONOUNS FOR GOD AND CHRISTIANITY

The existence of Christianophobia should not be surprising. Jesus Himself predicted the world’s hatred for Christians: “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you(John 15:18–19). Christians are called not to conform to the world but to be transformed into the image of Christ (Romans 8:2912:1–2). The unbelieving world hates what it does not understand and, therefore, will hate those who follow Christ. Satan is taking over the churches.

Few would admit an actual emotional hatred for Christians. And, admittedly, the hatred that Christians endure in most of the world is relatively mild. But the Christianophobia in the world today is simply a foretaste of what is to come. As the world increasingly turns away from God, the hatred of God’s people will increase exponentially.

Christian beliefs are being presented in an extremely biased manner. A belief that homosexuality is sinful is presented as hatred for homosexuals. A belief that abortion is wrong is portrayed as hatred for women. Christians proclaiming the biblical way of salvation are declared to be intolerant, even hostile, toward other beliefs. Christians desiring to train their children in a biblical worldview are seen as guilty of brainwashing. Even Vladimir Putin of Russia, attacked and condemned the church of England for wanting a “GENDER NEUTRAL GOD, AND COMMUNITY, IN HIS STATE OF THE COUNTRY ADDRESS TO RUSSIA” WOW. 

Christianophobia is real, it is increasing, and, according to the Bible, it will get much worse as the end times approach. Ultimately, Christianophobia is satanically driven. Satan hates God, and, as the “god” of this world, he controls the evil world system that hates God and His followers (2 Corinthians 4:4). Thankfully, Christians have nothing to fear. Followers of Christ are overcomers, (Romans 8:37). Greater is He (God) who is in us (Christians) than he (Satan) who is in the world (1 John 4:4).” END QUOTE.


Anything associated with the Creator and the true and living God of heaven and earth must go. Jesus is not acceptable in the world or “CHURCH” He created. Even His followers, known as Christians. Choose and believe what ever you want to believe, but if you want to go to heaven, here is what you better know and believe. COMMUNITY WILL NEVER GET YOU TO HEAVEN. JESUS WILL.

You may claim to be a Christian. Anything you add to the message of the cross of Jesus makes you a “Mentally unstable Christian, or fake Christian.” As Paul Walker says, “THEY HATE THE LIGHT AND WALK IN DARKNESS.” The light exposes their sin. Jesus said, John 8:12 “Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

Let me give you some real Biblical truth from Gods’ Holy Word. There is only “ONE” way to God and Heaven. That is through Jesus Christ and His death burial and resurrection. When you try to add or replace this with you own works, some experience, some false doctrine, or some Religion, THEN YOU ARE MENTALLY UNSTABLE REGARDING GODS PLAN OF SALVATION.

We have all sinned and sin is evil and darkness. Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Sin kills us, separates us from God. Jesus came to earth and was born as a human to die on a cross and pay for OUR sins. He died, was buried and resurrected on the third day, His sacrifice paid the price for all sin for anyone who would accept Him and his payment for us. Will you accept His payment for your sins? Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.“

Will you turn from yourself and turn to God for forgiveness, Salvation, and eternal life with Him in heaven? Will you do that now, and bow your heart before God, just ask him, call upon His name. If you will God will instantly save your very soul and spirit and give you eternal salvation. Place your faith and trust in Jesus Christ. If you have just received Jesus Christ into your heart and life, please let me know in the comment section below so I can rejoice with you.

Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them below in the left bottom REPLY comment section. Enjoy this beautiful song. RAY


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