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This article is called, “God Bless America-Not Anymore.” I truly believe this. I see how GOD has withdrawn His hand from the United States. This country, which was established upon Christian principles, based on the Bible. America has turned their back on God and dumped the God that blessed this country. thCAPUJYJA (Large)

I found this article and wanted to post it. It is written by, “Joseph Blaikie (Diary)”| April 8th, 2015.” Published on “Red State,” website. This is not my writing or my article. I feel this man has a true grasp of the problem with America today.

“There were 1.05 million abortions in America in 2011.  There have been more than 55 million since the Roe v. Wade decision.  Several states have approved of Gay Marriage and the Supreme Court has now made it the law of the land.  When the state of Indiana recently attempted to enact legislation to protect religious liberty, Americans from all corners of the country voiced their outrage and threatened to boycott the state.”

Does this sound like a nation that God would bless?”        Predictions-2-Terrorism-Islam-Will-Dominate (Large)

“We are falling all over ourselves to embrace the growth of Arab culture in America – a religion that preaches hatred toward God’s chosen people the Jews and is currently slaughtering the Christian followers of his son Jesus.”

“Does this sound like a nation that God would bless?”

When we are not busy surrendering to the Arab agenda, we are backing down to accommodate the goals of atheists, who want to remove any trace of God from our public lives.”

Does this sound like a nation that God would bless?”

“I am sick and tired of hearing politicians throw out the phrase “God Bless America” at the conclusion of their speeches.  Either start governing like you really are concerned about what God thinks about the current state of America or don’t ever mention God again or pretend you are acting on behalf of those who do worship him.”                          Obama-muslim-2-610x400

“I would ask Governor Mike Pence and Speaker Brian Bosma whether they were more concerned about what God thought about the state of Indiana or what Angie’s List, Apple, and the LGBT community thought of Indiana.  Based on the breakneck speed at which they backtracked from their supposed principled stand in defense of religious liberty, I think we know whose opinion they feared more.  I’m sure God is very eager to bless a state that has now made it very clear that Christian florists, bakers, and photographers absolutely must provide services to a ceremony that celebrates an act he has condemned as sin.”

The only god politicians worship these days is the god of power.  They are principled only to the extent that their principles cost them no political capital. But these are the men and women we continue to select as our representatives.  So what does that say about us?  Do we care what God thinks about the state of America?”

“We care far too much about being politically correct and non-confrontational.  The anti-God cabal wraps itself in a perverse cloak of moral superiority.  If you are against the sin of homosexuality, you are a bigoted homophobe.  If you are against abortion, you are against a women’s right to choose what to do with her body.  If you believe in Creationism, you are backwards thinking and anti-science.”

“The principals that govern this nation should not come down to who has a flashier marketing campaign or who can whip the largest mob into the most boisterous frenzy.  But sadly, that is where we are today.”                                                                  gods_judgment_on_america-scaled-1000

“For those politicians who truly are Christians, I would implore you not to fall for the false “Separation of Church and State” argument.  The Founders never intended for the nation’s leaders to check their religious beliefs at the door to Congress.  Thomas Jefferson attended church services inside the Capitol Building.  Their intent was that there should never be an official Church of America like there was a Church of England – a church that grows oppressive because it uses government to compel belief among its citizens and crushes dissent. 

If this sounds familiar it is because this is what we now have in America.  Secular Humanism has become the religion of the Church of America and more and more the government is compelling citizens to abide by its doctrine.  And it is crushing any dissent.”

“It is time for Christian politicians to look in the mirror and ask themselves which god they serve.  Do you serve the Judeo-Christian God or the gods of Secular Humanism (which aren’t really gods but rather the shifting moralities of whatever groups that can band together with enough money, power, and energy to influence political races)?  It is also time for all Christian citizens to ask the same question of themselves.  Do you vote for politicians you know you can’t trust to support Christian beliefs because they are good on other issues you care about?  Are you willing to give a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage Republican a pass because he or she supports lower taxes and strong national defense?  What do you suppose God thinks about such priorities?”                                                     hqdefault

Our nation is trending in a very dangerous direction.  We have the hubris of Babel, the perversion of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the stubborn forgetfulness of ancient Israel.  History did not play out well for any of those cultures.  America has enjoyed great prosperity because Americans have sincerely called for God’s blessing in the past.  But now too many of us are insincere or downright hostile when it comes to God.  For those who would still ask for God’s blessing, consider the following response from God – “Why should I?”

I agree with Joseph Blaikie 100%. The Bible shows us that God brought judgment on every nation that turned its back on God. If God did not bring judgment on that nation, then He let that nation destroy itself.

(KJV Psalm 9:17) “The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” These are stern but serious words from God. Why can’t people see the consequences of their actions?

(KJV Psalm 14:34) “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”


I grew up hearing all my life one constant phrase so here it is. “You cannot legislate morality.” It is very EVIDENT, in today’s society that you can Legislate “IMMORALITY.”

The Federal GOVERNMENT has now become the Constitution and law. They now dictate what rights you have or do not have. God and his laws have been expelled from our country. God has been deported and is no longer welcome in America.

Christian rights, freedom to worship, and freedom of speech are under attack today. The federal government and the so-called President have adopted Political Correctness as their standard in America.

The goal of the Obama administration is to disarm every American citizen, so the government will have total control of its people. I firmly believe, “the so-called President”, wants to turn America into a radical Arab country where Arab false religion and immoral law, will rule and replace Christianity.

As the Bible states more than once, ” And also all that generation were gathered unto their fathers: and there arose another generation after them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which he had done for Israel.”(KJV Judges 2:10).

(KJV Judges 21:25) “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”

America has failed to learn this lesson. God let Israel, (God’s own chosen people) go into captivity numerous times. God will do the same with America. I fear that America has crossed the line with God, and He will allow this country to go ahead and destroy itself!

If there is any hope for America, then it lies in this one verse of scripture. (KJV II Chronicles 7:14) If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

I started by saying, “God Bless America-Not Anymore! God will not bless America unless America turns back to Him!

Your thoughts, opinions, and comments are welcome so leave them here in the comment section. If I can be of help to you, then leave me a message below, and I will get back to you. Please enjoy this song. RAY.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ronald Carlson

    I have been saying this for years, but like everything else people do not believe. People want a prayer answered right away and like the people in the Bible, they seen a miracle in front of them and still did not believe.I really do not care what people say about JESUS anymore all I know is he LIVES and forgives my sin if I confess honestly

    1. Ray

      Thank you Ronald for your comment and I agree 100%. I believe the Lord is coming soon for His children. We live in a wicked sin cursed world where anything goes. It is the prayers of the real Christians, that has kept God’s judgement off of America. What happened to every nation that turned their back on God? America is no different and God will judge American also. I think we have crossed the line with God.

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