This article is called, “IF GOD DID IT, WE CAN DO IT.” So, heat up some popcorn, sit on the couch, and get ready for a very rough ride. I am always amazed at what the so-called ministers claim in their Pentecostal “Word of Faith Movement, along with their false Prosperity Gospel. After all, they have such great power and gifts the Apostles never had. They are on the same level as God and has the power to “SPEAK THINGS INTO EXISTENCE.” WOW. How far will professional Liars go to get attention for themselves. I think it is a very dangerous thing to lie on God. I truly hope that you will understand what God said in this verse. Isaiah 42:8 “I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” God said He will not share His glory with no one. Think about that. DO NOT TRUST SOME EXPERIENCE FOR SALVATION.
Why are people so “BIBLICALLY ILLLITERATE?” Please watch this short video where this Charlatan claims to have the same power of God and “SPOKE A SQUIRREL INTO EXISTENCE!” Aloa listen to the challenge Justin Peters throws out to this fake.
I am going to do something different in this article. Justin Peters asked the people who watched this short video to give him their thoughts and comments on it. I am going to list some of the comments here for you to see. Then you will have the chance to give your comments on this video and this article. You can leave them below in my comments section.
@darrylroot9322 4 months ago. “45 years ago when I became a Christian, I never thought I would see the day when adult Christians would have to be reminded that only God can speak things into existence. I also never thought I would have to tell other Christians that cows aren’t really driving tractors in Heaven as Kat Kerr preaches. May God have mercy on us all.”
@selahr. 4 months ago. “If I had the power to speak things into existence, a squirrel would have never crossed my mind.”
@Guyll21 4 months ago. “Justin just want to tell you that i am a Pentecostal and have been in this crazy charismatic thing a long time, then a few years ago things just started to not make sense, so i dug into the scripture as deep as my education and knowledge would let me go. God started to open this old country boys’ eyes and He led me to your ministry, well on you tube, and I have followed you a lot. I want to thank you for your dedication and faithfulness, because I needed this, I seen the very things you taught about but was not able to boldly speak out and I still don’t much, I have been called every name a heretic hunter, judgmental, critical, backslider, you name it, and have lost some folks I really love, But Jesus has kept me through all of it. So thank you sir and just know that I am praying for you and lifting you up before the Lord daily. I hope to meet you someday, if not here on this old rock, then I will meet you just inside the eastern gate over there.”
@knownoboundaries. 4 months ago. I love this segment, Mr. Peters. Thank you for being entertaining and biblical
@DColcla 4 months ago (edited) “Let’s not let the Bible get in the way of our theology”. . Love it!
lukewestwood7427. 4 months ago. “God bless you brother; I was heavily involved in the charismatic church in the UK. I always felt unloved by God due to the fact I was not gifted with the “miraculous” gifts that my peers were. Your ministry has been a breath of fresh air for me.”
@wendykoek8270 4 months ago. “I have been out of the Charismatic movement for 5 months and have never been happier and I am attending a good church that has a lot of bible in it we are doing weekly sermons on the book of Mark and singing bible based songs has been a joy to me. I am not suffering the pressure anymore like I used to have before in the Charismatic church to be a certain way and if I didn’t measure up according to them and felt like I didn’t fit the part that was it. In my new church I am so happy to hear the bible read every service all of it goes with what they are saying in the sermon and all gets put into context. Thank you for your great work too and all the best for you.”
@eclipsesonic. 4 months ago. “Squirrels must love him, because he is nuts! .”
@chrisAnAussie 4 months ago. “I think I will call this guy and get him to speak 10 million dollars into my bank account. What an amazing talent.”
@davenelson750. 4 months ago. “I once spoke some chicken nuggets into existence – although I had to place an order in the McDonald’s drive thru first and then, BAM, in 5 minutes I had nuggets.”
Do you really believe this is all about serving God or praising Him? I surely do not, and I see this as some “EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE” to gratify and please the flesh. I have followed this movement for many years, and it only gets more radical each year with a different false doctrine. You have FAKE so-called Apostles, using FAKE gifts, to try and perform FAKE MIRACLES. Their feeble flesh minds, has deceived them into believing, “IF JESUS DID IT, THEN WE CAN DO IT.”
I have said for years, “Show me just one that can truly go into a hospital and heal anyone?” YOU WILL NOT SEE IT BECAUSE IT CANNOT BE DONE. There are plenty of legit doctors who will be glad to have their patients healed. Heretics want to claim all the miraculous gifts are still in existence todays as they were in the times when Jesus and the Apostle walked on this earth. Go set up your “MIRACLE AND FIRE REVIVAL,” Rent the coliseum and bring in thousands. Whip up the crowd with false doctrine, set up the healing line and bring up on stage, your “PLANTED PEOPLE FROM THE AUDIENCE,” and perform you fake miracles. Or get Benny Hinn to just swing his Annointed MAGICAL COAT, slay hundreds. in the spirit. (YEA WHICH SPIRIT?) Even Bennys own nephews quit him and exposed him for the Charlatan he really is.
People have paid so much and got sucked into “THE WORD OF FAITH MOVEMENT, expecting miracle healings and expecting “HEALTH AND WEALTH through new FAKE DOCTRINE. This is nothing more than “BIG BUSINESS” “FLEECING THE FLOCK,” preying on people who are desperate for some healing, and they will swallow some fake experience, until reality sets in. Oh, just join the “MEGA-CHURCHES” where the doctrine of Christ and the true gospel of Salvation is never preached, but it is always perverted to just be good and have more self-esteem, for yourself. I am a rich minister, (JOEL OSTEEN) so buy my worthless Books that will tell you how to become rich also. Dear Reader, God can work (SUPERNATURALLY IN ANY WAY HE CHOOSES). HE DOES NOT AND NEVER HAS NEED THE HELP OF ANY HUMAN.
Please, please and understand what God says in this verse. Malachi #:6 “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Isaiah 42:8-9 ” I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth, I tell you of them.” GOD DOES NOT CHANGE, HE WILL NOT SHARE HIS GLORY WITH ANYONE, AND HE GIVES US PROPHECY OF FUTURE EVENTS THAT ARE CERTAIN.
Jesus performed many miracles while He was here on earth. Everyone knew 1 thing, ONLY GOD COULD PERFORM MIRACLES. This proved Jesus’ message was true, and that He was the Messiah. After the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, (HE MADE THE PAYMENT FOR ALL SIN) and later ascended to heaven. On the day of Pentecost, The Holy Spirit came to literally live in each new Believer in Jesus Christ. The Apostles at that time were given the gifts and power to perform miracles. W H Y? Not 1 word of the New Testament had been written, not one word. Again, everyone knew that only God could perform miracles, but now here the Apostles are performing and doing exactly what Jesus did. These miracles PROVED the message of SALVATION through Jesus Christ was a fact, and Salvation and forgiveness of SIN was now available to anyone in the whole world. AMEN.
I do believe the sign gifts and miracle gifts “CEASED/STOPPED” as the Bible said they would cease. I Corinthians 13:8-9. The miracle gifts did ceasewhen the written word of God was completed and written by the Apostles. Those gifts had one purpose and that was to prove the message of Jesus and salvation through His death, burial and resurrection was true. That was the message of the Apostles, their message was never miracle gifts. They went into the known world teaching and preaching Jesus. We talk about the early church fathers.
These are the men who took over after the first century and continued the gospel preaching after the death of “ALL THE APOSTLES.” In ALL of the writings of the early church fathers there is NO MENTION AT ALL OF THE MIRALCE GIFTS BEING IN EXISTENCE. (Research this yourselves if you doubt what I am saying). Understand The Apostles had their own disciples just as they had been disciples of Jesus.
I want to give you what I consider the “MOST SAD WORDS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT AND IT IS SAID BY JESUS. This is the scene in heaven, Jesus is sitting on His throne judging all people who will be thrown into the lake of fire so here it is: Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
These people are PROCLAIMING their MIRACLE GIFTS and their own WORKS for SALVATION. READ IT AGAIN. If you choose to believe that some gift or miracle gift will get you into heaven, you are sadly mistaken according to the words of Jesus, and He is the judge that all of us will stand before. Heaven is real and so is hell and the lake of fire-and both heaven and hell are eternal. Think about this. God is all powerful and could have given gifts and miracle gifts to every human. He could have done this and made it salvation, before Jesus ever came to earth, but He did not.
Gifts and miracle gifts NEVER took care of the “SIN ISSUE.” The sin issue is what separated us from God all the way back in the garden of Eden. GOD NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL ACCEPT SIN. Sin had to be paid for and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ paid for “YOUR AND MY SINS.” That my friend is TRUE SALVATION–NOT GIFTS OR SO-CALLED MODERN-DAY MIRACLE GIFTS. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins is what will get you into heaven, IF YOU WILL COME AND TURN TO GOD FOR FORGIVENSSS. DO YOU TRULY BELIVE IF GOD DID IT, OR THE APOSTLES DID IT, YOU CAN DO IT?
Romans 10:13 says, “For who so ever shall call (ASK) on the name of the Lord shall be saved. This is what makes you a Christian-NOTHING ELSE. If you have not done this, would you bow your heart, and call out to God and ask Him, for forgiveness of sins? Receive Jesus into your heart and life for Salvation-I pray you will. This song will tell you where true salvation is.
Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them below in the left bottom REPLY comment section below. Also enjoy the beautiful song below in the video. RAY
@darrylroot9322 4 months ago. “45 years ago when I became a Christian, I never thought I would see the day when adult Christians would have to be reminded that only God can speak things into existence. I also never thought I would have to tell other Christians that cows aren’t really driving tractors in Heaven as Kat Kerr preaches. May God have mercy on us all.”
@selahr. 4 months ago. “If I had the power to speak things into existence, a squirrel would have never crossed my mind.”
@Guyll21 4 months ago. “Justin just want to tell you that i am a Pentecostal and have been in this crazy charismatic thing a long time, then a few years ago things just started to not make sense, so i dug into the scripture as deep as my education and knowledge would let me go. God started to open this old country boys’ eyes and He led me to your ministry, well on you tube, and I have followed you a lot. I want to thank you for your dedication and faithfulness, because I needed this, I seen the very things you taught about but was not able to boldly speak out and I still don’t much, I have been called every name a heretic hunter, judgmental, critical, backslider, you name it, and have lost some folks I really love, But Jesus has kept me through all of it. So thank you sir and just know that I am praying for you and lifting you up before the Lord daily. I hope to meet you someday, if not here on this old rock, then I will meet you just inside the eastern gate over there.”
@knownoboundaries. 4 months ago. I love this segment, Mr. Peters. Thank you for being entertaining and biblical
@DColcla 4 months ago (edited) “Let’s not let the Bible get in the way of our theology”.

. Love it!
lukewestwood7427. 4 months ago. “God bless you brother; I was heavily involved in the charismatic church in the UK. I always felt unloved by God due to the fact I was not gifted with the “miraculous” gifts that my peers were. Your ministry has been a breath of fresh air for me.”
@wendykoek8270 4 months ago. “I have been out of the Charismatic movement for 5 months and have never been happier and I am attending a good church that has a lot of bible in it we are doing weekly sermons on the book of Mark and singing bible based songs has been a joy to me. I am not suffering the pressure anymore like I used to have before in the Charismatic church to be a certain way and if I didn’t measure up according to them and felt like I didn’t fit the part that was it. In my new church I am so happy to hear the bible read every service all of it goes with what they are saying in the sermon and all gets put into context. Thank you for your great work too and all the best for you.”
@eclipsesonic. 4 months ago. “Squirrels must love him, because he is nuts!
@chrisAnAussie 4 months ago. “I think I will call this guy and get him to speak 10 million dollars into my bank account. What an amazing talent.”
@davenelson750. 4 months ago. “I once spoke some chicken nuggets into existence – although I had to place an order in the McDonald’s drive thru first and then, BAM, in 5 minutes I had nuggets.”
Do you really believe this is all about serving God or praising Him? I surely do not, and I see this as some “EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE” to gratify and please the flesh. I have followed this movement for many years, and it only gets more radical each year with a different false doctrine. You have FAKE so-called Apostles, using FAKE gifts, to try and perform FAKE MIRACLES. Their feeble flesh minds, has deceived them into believing, “IF JESUS DID IT, THEN WE CAN DO IT.”
I have said for years, “Show me just one that can truly go into a hospital and heal anyone?” YOU WILL NOT SEE IT BECAUSE IT CANNOT BE DONE. There are plenty of legit doctors who will be glad to have their patients healed. Heretics want to claim all the miraculous gifts are still in existence todays as they were in the times when Jesus and the Apostle walked on this earth. Go set up your “MIRACLE AND FIRE REVIVAL,” Rent the coliseum and bring in thousands. Whip up the crowd with false doctrine, set up the healing line and bring up on stage, your “PLANTED PEOPLE FROM THE AUDIENCE,” and perform you fake miracles. Or get Benny Hinn to just swing his Annointed MAGICAL COAT, slay hundreds. in the spirit. (YEA WHICH SPIRIT?) Even Bennys own nephews quit him and exposed him for the Charlatan he really is.
People have paid so much and got sucked into “THE WORD OF FAITH MOVEMENT, expecting miracle healings and expecting “HEALTH AND WEALTH through new FAKE DOCTRINE. This is nothing more than “BIG BUSINESS” “FLEECING THE FLOCK,” preying on people who are desperate for some healing, and they will swallow some fake experience, until reality sets in. Oh, just join the “MEGA-CHURCHES” where the doctrine of Christ and the true gospel of Salvation is never preached, but it is always perverted to just be good and have more self-esteem, for yourself. I am a rich minister, (JOEL OSTEEN) so buy my worthless Books that will tell you how to become rich also. Dear Reader, God can work (SUPERNATURALLY IN ANY WAY HE CHOOSES). HE DOES NOT AND NEVER HAS NEED THE HELP OF ANY HUMAN.
Please, please and understand what God says in this verse. Malachi #:6 “For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.” Isaiah 42:8-9 ” I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth, I tell you of them.” GOD DOES NOT CHANGE, HE WILL NOT SHARE HIS GLORY WITH ANYONE, AND HE GIVES US PROPHECY OF FUTURE EVENTS THAT ARE CERTAIN.
Jesus performed many miracles while He was here on earth. Everyone knew 1 thing, ONLY GOD COULD PERFORM MIRACLES. This proved Jesus’ message was true, and that He was the Messiah. After the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, (HE MADE THE PAYMENT FOR ALL SIN) and later ascended to heaven. On the day of Pentecost, The Holy Spirit came to literally live in each new Believer in Jesus Christ. The Apostles at that time were given the gifts and power to perform miracles. W H Y? Not 1 word of the New Testament had been written, not one word. Again, everyone knew that only God could perform miracles, but now here the Apostles are performing and doing exactly what Jesus did. These miracles PROVED the message of SALVATION through Jesus Christ was a fact, and Salvation and forgiveness of SIN was now available to anyone in the whole world. AMEN.
I do believe the sign gifts and miracle gifts “CEASED/STOPPED” as the Bible said they would cease. I Corinthians 13:8-9. The miracle gifts did cease when the written word of God was completed and written by the Apostles. Those gifts had one purpose and that was to prove the message of Jesus and salvation through His death, burial and resurrection was true. That was the message of the Apostles, their message was never miracle gifts. They went into the known world teaching and preaching Jesus. We talk about the early church fathers.
These are the men who took over after the first century and continued the gospel preaching after the death of “ALL THE APOSTLES.” In ALL of the writings of the early church fathers there is NO MENTION AT ALL OF THE MIRALCE GIFTS BEING IN EXISTENCE. (Research this yourselves if you doubt what I am saying). Understand The Apostles had their own disciples just as they had been disciples of Jesus.
I want to give you what I consider the “MOST SAD WORDS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT AND IT IS SAID BY JESUS. This is the scene in heaven, Jesus is sitting on His throne judging all people who will be thrown into the lake of fire so here it is: Matthew 7:21-23 “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
These people are PROCLAIMING their MIRACLE GIFTS and their own WORKS for SALVATION. READ IT AGAIN. If you choose to believe that some gift or miracle gift will get you into heaven, you are sadly mistaken according to the words of Jesus, and He is the judge that all of us will stand before. Heaven is real and so is hell and the lake of fire-and both heaven and hell are eternal. Think about this. God is all powerful and could have given gifts and miracle gifts to every human. He could have done this and made it salvation, before Jesus ever came to earth, but He did not.
Gifts and miracle gifts NEVER took care of the “SIN ISSUE.” The sin issue is what separated us from God all the way back in the garden of Eden. GOD NEVER HAS AND NEVER WILL ACCEPT SIN. Sin had to be paid for and the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ paid for “YOUR AND MY SINS.” That my friend is TRUE SALVATION–NOT GIFTS OR SO-CALLED MODERN-DAY MIRACLE GIFTS. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins is what will get you into heaven, IF YOU WILL
Romans 10:13 says, “For who so ever shall call (ASK) on the name of the Lord shall be saved. This is what makes you a Christian-NOTHING ELSE. If you have not done this, would you bow your heart, and call out to God and ask Him, for forgiveness of sins? Receive Jesus into your heart and life for Salvation-I pray you will. This song will tell you where true salvation is.
Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them below in the left bottom REPLY comment section below. Also enjoy the beautiful song below in the video. RAY