This article is called ” Man’sFake Anointing.” I guess it would be a good thing to start with a true
definition of anointing first. If you understand what true anointing is from God and His word, then it will be much easier to spot the fake anointing you see in the world today. Wow, how this really does take place today in the entire world and in all religions. Notice how I do make the real distinction between true Christianity and False Religions. It is truly amazing at how many things have now been accepted and replaced the true anointing of God. The sad part is how those in churches and religious circles still do not even know what the anointing of God is.
As gotquestions says, “Ceremonial anointing in the Old Testament was a physical act involving the smearing, rubbing, or pouring of sacred oil on someone’s head (or on an object) as an outward symbol that God had chosen and set apart the person (or object) for a specific holy purpose.
The Hebrew term mashach meant “to anoint or smear with oil.” The oil used for religious anointing was carefully blended with fine spices according to a specific formula prescribed by the Lord (Exodus 30:22–32). Using this oil for any other purpose was a serious offense carrying the penalty of being “cut off” from the community (Exodus 30:33).
Kings, priests, and prophets were anointed outwardly with oil to symbolize a more profound spiritual reality—that God’s presence was with them and His favor was upon them (Psalm 20:6; 28:8). While David was still a young shepherd, God told Samuel to anoint him to become king over Israel (1 Samuel 16:3). From that day forward, the Spirit of the Lord rested powerfully upon David’s life (1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 89:20).
Centuries before David’s time, the Lord had instructed Moses to consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve as priests (Exodus 28:41; 30:30; Leviticus 8:30; 10:7). God authenticated their priestly ministry with the fiery glory of His presence that consumed their offerings. Holy items, including the tabernacle itself, were also set apart or consecrated by anointing for use in worship and sacrificial ceremonies (Genesis 28:18; Exodus 30:26–29; 40:9–11).
The Bible contains a literal reference to a prophet’s anointing when the Lord commanded Elijah to anoint Elisha as the prophet to succeed him (1 Kings 19:16). It also includes metaphorical references to anointing to indicate that prophets were empowered and protected by the Spirit of the Lord to perform their calling (1 Chronicles 16:22; Psalm 105:15).
Anointing the head with oil was also an ancient custom of hospitality shown to honored guests. In Psalm 23:5, King David pictures himself as an esteemed guest at the Lord’s table. This practice of anointing a dinner guest with oil reappears in the Gospels (Luke 7:46; Mark 14:3–9; John 12:3).
In the New Testament, Jesus Christ reveals Himself as our anointed King, Priest, and Prophet. He is God’s Holy and chosen Son, the Messiah. In fact, Messiah, which literally means “anointed one,” is derived from the Hebrew word for “anointed.” Christ (Gr. Christos) means “the anointed one.”
Jesus declared at the launch of His ministry, “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor . . . to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free” (Luke 4:18; cf. Isaiah 61:1). Jesus Christ fulfilled Old Testament prophecy as the Anointed One, the chosen Messiah (Luke 4:21). He proved His anointing through the miracles He performed and the life He sacrificed as Savior of the world (Acts 10:38).
There is also a sense in which Christians today are anointed. Through Jesus Christ, believers receive “an anointing from the Holy One” (1 John 2:20). This anointing is not expressed in an outward ceremony but through sharing in the gift of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11). At the moment of salvation, believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and joined to Christ, the Anointed One. As a result, we partake of His anointing (2 Corinthians 1:21–22). According to one scholar, this anointing “expresses the sanctifying influences of the Holy Spirit upon Christians who are priests and kings unto God” (Smith, W., “Anointing,” Smith’s Bible Dictionary, revised ed., Thomas Nelson, 2004).
The New Testament also associates anointing oil with healing and prayer. When Jesus sent out the disciples to preach the gospel, “they cast out many demons and healed many sick people, anointing them with olive oil” (Mark 6:13, NLT). James instructs believers to “call the elders of the church to pray over them” when they are sick “and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord” for healing (James 5:14).
Those in Charismatic religious circles speak of “the anointing” as something Christians can and should be seeking. It is common for them to speak of “anointed” preachers, sermons, ministries, songs, etc., and to advise others to “unlock their anointing” or “walk in the anointing.” The idea is that the anointing is an outpouring of God’s power to accomplish a task through the anointed one. Charismatics claim there are corporate anointings as well as various types of individual anointings: the five-fold anointing; the apostolic anointing; and, for women, the Ruth anointing, the Deborah anointing, the Anna anointing, etc. Some even speak of a “Davidic anointing” upon musical instruments—“anointed” instruments are played by God Himself to drive away demons and take worship to a higher level than ever before. Special anointings are said to allow a person to use his spiritual gift to a “higher degree.” Charismatics say that special anointings are received by “releasing one’s faith.”
Much of the Charismatic teaching on the anointing goes beyond what Scripture says. In their hunger for signs and wonders, many Charismatics seek new and ever more titillating experiences, and that requires more outpourings, more spiritual baptisms, and more anointings. But the Bible points to one anointing of the Spirit, just as it points to one baptism: “As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you” (1 John 2:27; see also 2 Timothy 1:14). This same passage also refutes another misconception, viz., that Satan can somehow “steal” a believer’s anointing. We don’t need to worry about losing the anointing we received because Scripture says it remains.
Another aberrant teaching concerning the anointing of the Spirit is the
“Mimshach anointing.” Mimshach is a Hebrew word related to mashach (“anoint”) and found only in Ezekiel 28:14, where the anointing is said to “cover” (NKJV) or “cover and protect” (AMP). According to some, the Mimshach anointing (which was bestowed on Lucifer before his fall) is available now to believers. Receiving this anointing will cause everything one touches to increase or expand, and the anointed one will experience greater levels of success, material gain, health, and power.
Rather than chase after a new anointing, believers should remember they already have the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is not given in part, He does not come in portions or doses, and He is not taken away. We have the promise that “his divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness” (2 Peter 1:3).
If you just turn on the television and watch the fake televangelist all over the internet and world you can quickly find and see, fake anointing that does not come from God but mans own sinful desires.. The sad part is how even Christians have swallowed a load of crap and jumped on board popular band wagon that not even God is in. What draws people into this fake movement? Just let me see it, feel it, enjoy it, and let it hype me up.
Some Pentecostal and Charismatic churches preach about having a “new anointing.” This new anointing is said to be a new outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit on the lives of believers specifically to help them experience more power, more joy, and more holiness. While there is plenty in the Bible about anointing, teaching Christians to seek a “new” anointing is not necessarily biblical, however well-meaning and spiritual-sounding the teaching may be. My recommendation is this:”STAY AWAY FROM THE NAR (SO CALLED, NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION MOVEMENT). I firmly believe it is fake and not ordained by God.”
In examining the concept of a new anointing, let’s back up to the Old Testament and work our way forward to the ministry of Jesus Christ and beyond.
In the Law, God gave instructions for making “a sacred anointing oil” (Exodus 30:25). This oil was to be used to anoint the tabernacle, the Ark, the table and its utensils, the lampstand, the altar of incense, the altar of burnt offering, the laver, and Aaron and his sons. (verses 26–30). Aaron and his sons were anointed in order to “consecrate them so they may serve [the Lord] as priests” (Exodus 28:41).
Throughout the Old Testament, we see that God commanded various people to be anointed as a symbol of those men’s divine calling. The prophet Samuel anointed Saul with olive oil (1 Samuel 10:1) and gave him this promise: “The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy . . . and you will be changed into a different person” (verse 6). Later, Samuel anointed David, with a similar result: “From that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David” (1 Samuel 16:13). In these examples of Saul and David being anointed as kings of Israel, we also see that the Spirit of God came upon them. For this reason, oil or anointing is often seen as representative of the Holy Spirit.
Anointing did not always involve a literal pouring of oil. The term anointed is also used in the Bible to describe someone God chose for a particular task. For example, the Persian king Cyrus is called God’s “anointed” in Isaiah 45:1, although no one actually poured oil on Cyrus. That Persian king was simply being declared as set apart for service to God. Jesus bears the title Christ, which means “Anointed One”—Jesus was set apart for the ultimate service of God. After Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, the Spirit of God descended on Him like a dove (Matthew 3:13–16). “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and . . . he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him” (Acts 10:38).
Here is a wonderful truth: under the New Covenant in Christ Jesus, every believer is anointed by God for service. Every person who believes in Jesus Christ is forgiven and sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. “The anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him” (1 John 2:27). “It is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come” (2 Corinthians 1:21–22).
The teaching of a “new anointing” following salvation is not found in the Bible. The Bible never tells us to ask for the Holy Spirit to come upon us for the simple reason that He has already come. All believers are supernaturally and permanently anointed by the Holy Spirit. We are declared holy by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
Those who teach the “new anointing” have a tendency to seek showy supernatural experiences in their Christian walk. Those who claim to have experienced a new anointing may yet wonder why they still find life a struggle and why sin still puts up such a fight. It’s because every Christian walks in daily struggles, and no special or new anointing is going to change that. Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them below in the comment section. RAY