This article is called “Mind Blowing Experience.” I think the real question would have to be, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Or what would you consider a mind blowing experience? But I truly do believe that many are seeking for it and want it. Another question that has to be asked is this. How would this affect your life and in what area’s? After all we are physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual. A big question is, how would a mind blowing experience affect your behavior? Would you dump it, or beg for more? Would it surprise you to find out that many Christians are seeking it?
There is a real problem in many churches so here it is. People are leaving good, Bible believing churches for what they want. I want more. I want gifts, more gifts. I want to see an angel. I want to see and experience the Supernatural. I want the power all over me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. I want tongues so bad, that I just get slain in the spirit and fall out. I want to be carried away by something strong than me. I want to have a vision and dreams. . I want to see a miracle. I really need a new experience.
Dear Reader, God does not work outside of His book, the Bible. He has given us everything that we need for faith and practice. Dear Reader, in all of these things the focus is on you and not Jesus. Are you really asking God to glorify you? Read this verse it is so important. Isaiah 42:8 “I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” There are churches and Pastors that wants to “PIMP OUT GOD.” They become Gods Pimp and display him as someone else, some other “god” they want Him to be.
People and Christians are gravitating to the “SPECTACULAR.” May I say something very truthful? There are doctrines of demons and seducing Spirits that pulling people away from Jesus, for a false experience. It always appeals to the flesh. The focus is not on Jesus or Gods Word but some kind of unbiblical experience. There are numerous so called churches that have music and dancing only. No teaching or preaching God’s Holy Word.
This is pathetic and God has been replaced with some emotional experience. It has video’s all over the internet. It is dancing competitions to see who has the greatest dancing moves. And many of the women are half naked. Reminds me of the old movie called, “FOOTLOOSE.” What is God and His word being replaced with? Let me show you some of the emotional experiences that I am talking about, this is a short video but you will see for yourself. Then tell me this is of God, and the “EXPERIENCE YOU ARE SEEKING AND WANT.”
Let me show you what God’s Word says. I Timothy 4:1-2 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.” Satan is always ready to help you and give you some kind of experience to keep you away from Jesus.
What I say next may be the most important statement in this article. You need to take this into your heart, mind and soul. It should truly tell you are in your walk with God and it is biblical. “IF YOU HAVE TO HAVE SOMETHING MORE THAN JESUS, IT IS SIN AND FOOLISHNESS, AND YOU HAVE NEVER MET JESUS. ANYTHING THAT DISTRACTS YOU FROM THE DEATH, BURIAL AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS IS NOT FROM GOD. It is not Jesus plus this, or Jesus plus that, or adding anything to salvation.
GOD WILL NEVER, EVER ADD SOMETHING ELSE THAT, YOU WANT OR SEEK TO SALVATION. Psalm 3:8 “Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.” The sad part is that people wants gifts, miracles, and other things more than they want God. AMEN. THEY HAVE A WANT AND NEED FOR A REPLACEMENT. And so many are willing to accept a false Religion just to please their own desires. When you do this, you “DE-VALUE” the sacrifice of Jesus and his payment for sin. and you devalue the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. It is like, Jesus is not enough, I have to have something else to go with Him.
People are truly searching and looking for that ultimate mind blowing experience. Many have this great want and need to experience it. I have already had mine, and mine is Biblical, it is called salvation through the new birth, and the forgiveness of sin. I still have it everyday. The first time I had it was the day that I got saved and born again. I found out that God’s grace is greater than all of my sins. I was changed by God’s grace the moment I truly repented, when I saw myself as a sinner who put Jesus on the tree to die for me. How could someone love me so much to die for me, pay for my sins, save my soul, give me eternal life in heaven forever, and change me forever. NOW THAT IS A TRUE MIND BLOWING EXPERIENCE AND I HAVE NEVER GOT OVER IT. In fact it is still fresh and new everyday. Jesus said, I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Dear Reader, you will not find it in any and all Religious things. You will never find it in any church, or no gifts, no worldly things, no so called spiritual things. You will only find that mind blowing experience in Jesus Christ, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The real problem is this. Many claim to be Christians. If the Holy Spirit of God is not living in you and directing your life, then you have a fake. How can a person have the new birth and not know it? How can the Holy Spirit of God live in you and you do not know it?
Here is the better question. What are you seeking for to replace Him in your life? Is He not good enough to satisfy you? Anything you have to replace Jesus with, the Father or the Holy Spirit, does not come from God but comes from your own flesh or the devil. Do you actually think there is something or someone better than Christ? God’s love, mercy, grace, forgiveness and salvation are greater than anything. So, please tell me what you want to add, that will make you more important.
What can you add to Jesus, that will make you more valuable? Satan is always willing to help you have some kind of experience, but it will never be biblical. To the contrary it will be a fake that appeals to the flesh and a counterfeit. Anytime you try to add something to Jesus or take away from Jesus you will be the loser, and lose God’s blessings. SATAN IS ALWAYS WILLING TO HELP YOU HAVE A WORLDLY MIND BLOWING EXPERIENCE, TO PULL YOU AWAY FROM JESUS CHRIST. Satan always appeals to your sinful flesh. If this is what you want then I would suggest that you really check your own salvation and see if you have a fake salvation. When Jesus and His work is not enough to satisfy you, then you truly have a real problem. If Jesus is not enough for you then you are ungrateful and disrespectful to a Holy God.
There is a new organization that are deceiving thousands, even Christians. It is called the New Apostolic Reformation. These fakes claim to have all power and authority over all Christianity. This is so funny to me because God said, Isaiah 42:8 “I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” Dear Reader, if you are looking for all the signs and wonders and all the fake spiritual gifts, then this is the place for you to be. They will always be glad to give you fake everything that is not from God. Just make sure you have your wallet open. All you are going to get is: “A TEMPORARY EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE THAT IS NOT FROM GOD.”
Dear Christian, never leave the Lord out of anything in your life. There is no replacement for Him and the work He did for our Salvation. You will be the loser and suffer loss. If you are NOT a Christian, than you really need to be. Life here on earth is nothing compared to eternity. And there are only 2 destinations after death, heaven or hell. Pure bliss or eternal torment. God also gave you, life and free will, that is your ability to choose. Sin entered the world through our original parents, Adam and Eve. Sin has passed on to every human ever created. Sin separated all humans from God. Sin broke our relationship and fellowship with a Holy God.
The greatest sign of God’s love for us was on display when He sent Jesus to come to earth and die on an old rugged cross for our sins. Sin has separated us from God, from His forgiveness and Salvation. Jesus paid the penalty and payment for our sin so that we could be reconciled back to God and be forgiven. Sin is a killer just look at Romans 3:23 and Romans 6:23, that is why we all die. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sin is why everyone dies in our flesh bodies. But we live on in eternity. You choose where you will spend eternity, in heaven or hell. DO NOT TRUST SOME TEMPORARY, RELIGIOUS, EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE AND THINK IT IS GODS SALVATION, OR PROOF OF SALVATION. SATAN WILL ALWAYS GIVE YOU A LOT OF EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES TO PULL YOU AWAY FROM GOD.
Will you turn from yourself and turn to God for forgiveness and Salvation? Will you put your faith and trust in Jesus for Eternal Salvation? Will you bow your heart, and call upon God. I Corinthians 10:13 says, “For who so ever shall call (ASK) upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” I promise you on the authority of God’s word, that he will save you, forgive you and make you, His child. HE IS THE SUPREME AUTHORITY WHO POSSESSES ALL POWER AND HAS ALREADY SHOWN HIS ETERNAL LOVE TO YOU AND THE WHOLE WORLD. Let God’s Righteous, eternal love, change your life, and save your soul eternally. II Corinthians 5:21 “For He (GOD) hath made him (Jesus) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
If you have prayed and received God’s forgiveness for sin, please let me know in the comment section at the bottom so I can rejoice with you. Also, your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them also in the comment section at the bottom. Now please enjoy this beautiful song.