This article is called, "What is most important verse or topic in the Bible.?" Is it having a Bible? Is it studying the Bible? Is it studying the laws in…
This article is called, "What is most important verse or topic in the Bible.?" Is it having a Bible? Is it studying the Bible? Is it studying the laws in…
This article is called "WE DID IT, BUT HOW" So, what did we do? People say many things and do many things. So what area am I talking about? Physical,…
This article is called, "The Jeff Allen story. Of course, someone is saying, "NEVER HEARD OF HIM." There are millions of people in this world that we have never heard…
This article is called, "WHO OWNS YOUR MIND?" I am sure your first instinct is to say, "My mind is in my body and in my brain." But do you…
This article is called, "LET'S ALL DANCE FOR THE LORD-CRANK IT UP. It is time to get excited, it is time to get emotional, it is time to move and…
This article is called "ONLY ONE LIFE." It will center around one statement which has great meaning to me, and I hope it will influence you with its biblical truth,…
This article is called, "THE STRANGE WORLD OF THE SUPERNATURAL." Oh, it must really exist because "SID ROTH" Says so. Yes, he has his own television show by the same…
CHRISTO-CENTRIC. "CHRIST CENTERED." This is the name of this article, and it is eternally necessary. There is no replacement or anything that can compare to it. And mankind cannot ever…
This article is called Forgiven or Unforgiven? These two terms are completely opposites. These 2 terms also apply to every human's life (and eternal life) and both carry consequences that…
This article is called, "What is wrong with the Churches?" I believe the churches have failed in their duty as Disciples and what God commanded us to do. I do…