This article is called, "Heretic in training-Charlatans. I guess I need to start with a few definitions so that you will get an understanding of what I am talking about.…
This article is called, "Heretic in training-Charlatans. I guess I need to start with a few definitions so that you will get an understanding of what I am talking about.…
This article is called "MORE HERETICS AND CHARLATANS." I think it would be continuation of my previous article, called "HERETICS IN TRAINING-CHARLATANS." "BOY, OH BOY OH BOY", I am so…
This article is called "Through It All." I hope to give meaning to the title. We live in a vile wicked time in society today. There is so much wickedness,…
This article is called Inside the mind of an Abuser: What you need to know. This article is not written by me. Occasionally I will find a good article and…
"Stay tender and forgiving, folks. Reject every root of bitterness. Never respond to sin WITH sin. Let God fight your battle for you." In Proverbs 15:1, it says, "A soft answer…
This article is called, Living on borrowed time. So where have we failed? Let's take a close look at our lives. We will instantly have regrets and think of the…
This article is called, Revenge is a confession of your hurt and pain Part 1. I think this statement alone should make every human look at themselves. I want to…
This article is called Revenge Is A Confession Of Your Hurt And Pain Part 2. It is a continuation of Part 1. Revenge and vengeance have become a way of…
This article is called Am I Saved Forever How Can I Know? Can I fall from God's Grace and be lost? If I sin will God take away my Salvation?…
This article is called "Doctor Frankenstein is alive and well in 2021" will be a little unusual from many of my other articles but I really feel that this article…