This article is called, "The Hyper Charismatic Movement." Yes, dear reader the charismatic movement has moved into over drive and gone hyper. One big reason is their "NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION…
This article is called, "The Hyper Charismatic Movement." Yes, dear reader the charismatic movement has moved into over drive and gone hyper. One big reason is their "NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION…
This article is called, "SUPERMEN AND SUPERWOMEN." Now, lets see if you remember this from "The adventures of Superman." "Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able…
This article is called, "Equal with God." Does such a thing actually exist? Just ask Lucifer/Satan. He has first hand personal knowledge and tried to make it real, in his…
This article is called, "Whatever You Obey Is Your Master." Think about this and let it sink deep into your heart, mind and soul. Second, Whatever controls your life is…
This article is called, "The Games So Called Christians Play." I know this article will not be popular with Christians because it exposes the games and sin they play. After…
This article is called, how many times does God say "WOE?" Is that important? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT. And I promise you on the authority of God's Word you will…
This article is called, "No Christian Can Glorify Sin." Think about that for a moment. It just happens to be a factual statement. I am pretty sure someone who just…
This article is called "Mind Blowing Experience." I think the real question would have to be, is this a good thing or a bad thing? Or what would you consider…
This article is a little longer than my normal articles. The reason is because of the blessings you might recieve by reading it all. This article is called, "Why Do…
This article is called, "When Your Salvation Gets Cold." Think about that statement and let it settle into your very heart and soul. Or maybe you are thinking about your…