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This article is called, “SUPERMEN AND SUPERWOMEN.” Now, lets see if you remember this from “The adventures of Superman.” “Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Superman! Yes, it’s Superman, strange visitor from another planet, who came to earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel in his bare hands. And who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and the American way. And now another exciting episode in the adventures of Superman.” Now add Superwoman to the ongoing battle of our planet.

Do they actually exist today? Of course they do and they all reside in a new Religious Cult called THE NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION.” Their goal is to save this planet, restore heaven on earth, bring back the paradise and the garden of Eden and be the eternal spiritual leaders with everything under their control. Not even kryptonite, can harm these super elites. Yes, they do fly but they have many jet planes to accomplish this. Understand, in this world they are the super elites and control everything in the Spiritual realm on earth. All their power and authority comes directly from God Himself, our Creator. They posess all the official offices described in the Bible, they also posess all the gifts of the spirit given to them by God. And they are more powerful and authoritative than the original 12 Apostles in the Bible. In addition, they are “GRAVE SUCKERS,” I will explain this one through this blue link, click it to understand.  


As got questions .com, says to us, “The New Apostolic Reformation, or N.A.R, is an un-biblical religious movement that emphasizes experience over Scripture, mysticism over doctrine, and modern-day “apostles” over the plain text of the Bible. Of particular distinction in the New Apostolic Reformation are the role and power of spiritual leaders and miracle-workers, the reception of “new” revelations from God, an over-emphasis on spiritual warfare, and a pursuit of cultural and political control in society. The seeking of signs and wonders in the N.A.R is always accompanied by blatantly false doctrine.

They teach that God’s intended form of church governance is apostles and prophets, holding leadership over evangelists, pastors, and teachers. However, this has not been the case for the vast majority of Christian history. So, according to the New Apostolic Reformation, God began to restore prophets and apostles over the last thirty to forty years. Only now, as the church is properly guided by the appropriate spiritual leaders, can it fulfill its commission. This commission is seen as more than spiritual, as it includes cultural and political control.

In the New Apostolic Reformation, apostles are seen as the highest of all spiritual leaders, being specially empowered by God. True maturity and unity, per the New Apostolic Reformation, is only found in those who submit to the leadership of their apostles. According to this teaching, as the church unifies behind the apostles, these leaders will develop greater and greater supernatural powers. Eventually, this will include the ability to perform mass healings and suspend the laws of physics. These signs are meant to encourage a massive wave of converts to Christianity. These apostles are also destined to be recipients of a great wealth transfer (in the end times), which will enable the church to establish God’s kingdom on earth.

Prophets in the New Apostolic Reformation are almost as important as apostles. These people have been empowered to receive “new” revelations from God that will aid the church in establishing dominion. According to the New Apostolic Reformation, only prophets, and occasionally apostles, can obtain new revelations. Evangelists, pastors, and teachers cannot. The prophets’ new revelations are crucial to overcoming the world, and the success of the church depends on the apostles following through on the information prophets provide. (THAT IS PURE BULL CRAP). Most of their prophecies are extremely vague and easy to re-interpret, and the New Apostolic Reformation is willing to modify them, since they set no standard of infallibility for themselves.

Their power and authority cannot be fully in affect until they take over every facet in society and when THEY put down all demonic authority. (Spiritual authority). They receive New Revelation from God and it is authoritative. Biblically, there are major problems with the New Apostolic Reformation. Claiming that Christians have access to certain spiritual gifts is one thing, but their distinctive approach to the role of apostles and prophets is a stretch from what is found in the Bible. More to the point, the office of apostle requires traits that are impossible today. For example, true apostles must be personal eyewitnesses of the risen Christ (1 Corinthians 9:115:7–8), specifically designated as apostles by Jesus (Galatians 1:1Acts 1:2Luke 6:13), and already verified by miraculous signs (Matthew 10:12 Corinthians 12:2Acts 5:12).

The idea of new revelations from God, especially those that come in the form of vague, easily reinterpreted mysteries, runs counter to the idea of a faith delivered “once for all” to mankind (Jude 1:3). The fact that New Apostolic Reformation prophecies frequently turn out to be false suggests a false spirit behind those predictions (Deuteronomy 18:22). The tendency of the New Apostolic Reformation to treat spiritual warfare as a type of “Christianized voodoo” is not only un-biblical, but dangerous.

Now add to and consider the “SUPERWOMEN” I talked about. Those of the N.A.R who also claim all of the offices and gifts the supermen have. God never gave women authority over men, especially in the ministry. I Timothy 2:12-15 “But I suffer not a woman to teach (or preach), nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.” Go have your worldly woman pastor, or prophetess, claiming all the offices and gifts from God. Let them tell of their out of the body experiences, when they were called to heaven, to meet Jesus, then give their own description of heaven. 

Likewise, the emphasis on an earthly kingdom contradicts Jesus’ own declaration that the Kingdom of God was spiritual, not political (John 18:36). It places an unhealthy emphasis on political and worldly approval, rather than Christlike influence. These movements contend that “real” spirituality or maturity or truth is found only, by those who listen to their leadership.” When Jesus returns He will set up His own earthly Kingdom. I have to wonder, does their New Revelation from God, make the Bible obsolete? HUMMMM?


Someone is thinking, “Boy you are not very loving or accepting. I love and accept what God’s Word says, and the God who gave me forgiveness of sin, Salvation and eternal life. Maybe you should also read my other article called “THE GAMES PEOPLE PLAY.” The Gospel of Jesus Christ is no longer the priority in too many churches. That is the true message of Forgiveness and Salvation. The is the real message that the original Apostles preached. That is what will get you to heaven. What has replaced the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ? HERE IT IS. Word of Faith, Health and Wealth so called gospel. The so called Prosperity gospel, Perverting Gods word with so called,  new Revelation. Signs, wonders miracles, the Supernatural, The Spectacular, Spirit Breaks.

Some proclaim “they are gods.” Many are Mystics, some follow paganism, many forms of false doctrine. They Cherry Pick God’s Word for select scriptures to fit their own false doctrines. 10 of the Apostles died as martyrs, Judas hanged himself and John is the only Apostle that died of natural causes. John also wrote the last book in the New Testament “REVELATION.” I FIND NO NEW INSPIRED WRITING OF THE NEW SO-CALLED APOSTLES. If they have a brain they better understand the last warning by God in the book of Revelation, where God warned about adding to or taking away from His Book. Gods Word is our rule for faith and practice, and it is complete. Christians do not need any new so-called Revelation from them.

They give themselves leadership roles over everyone, and the Church, but forget Christ is the head of the Church, not them. Isaiah 42:8 “I am the Lord: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.”

Churches have now become dance halls, entertainment centers, Light shows and strobe lights with smoke machines. People on wires dancing over the stage. Running, screaming and falling out. Peeping and muttering, Holy Ghost catchers, just fake it, slap someone with a coat and they just fall out in the spirit. So called praise only, with no true worship of God. Fake healings and fake gifts (for $$$$$). Flesh, flesh and more fleshly desires displayed. Fake resurrections of the dead. Salvation is an internal change by the Holy Spirit of God, it is not your outward external flesh and worldly display of emotionalism. You can see the same thing at a sporting event. IS THAT SALVATION?

II Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” This is the new birth, spiritual birth John 3:3,5,7. Quit replacing God’s Salvation with all of your external fleshly actions. You better read and understand what Jesus said right here. Matthew 7:22-23 “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

I am sure someone will read this and think, “You really blasted them, you must be a real hater.” The answer to that has to be NO. I blasted the leadership not every person. Study your Bible and see for yourself. I have been in ministry with Pentecostals before. We disagree on certain things, but I still love and respect them. Here is the most important thing you can know in this entire article. What will get you to heaven eternally with Jesus Christ?

What are you relying on to get you to heaven? There is only one correct answer. II Corinthians 5:21 “For He (GOD) hath made Him (JESUS) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that WE might be made the righteousness of God in him.” THAT ALONE IS YOUR FORGIVENESS AND SALVATION, PLUS NOTHING, MINUS NOTHING.

Dear Reader, This is very serious for anyone who proclaims they are a Christian. The Bible also says, that we should examine ourselves to make sure that we are in the faith. I Corinthians chapter 11. Satan is the great deceiver, and will ALWAYS give you and experience and counterfeit. This concludes the article supermen and superwomen. Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome, so leave them below in the comment section. Also enjoy this short video. RAY

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