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This article is called, “The Games So Called Christians Play.” I know this article will not be popular with Christians because it exposes the games and sin they play. After all, who wants to be exposed or have their sins revealed? Most people in general really do want others to think well about them and that is part of human nature for anyone. But in reality, God knows more about us than anyone ever could. And, there is absolutely nothing you can hide from God. But again, in reality it is every human who has ever been born or who will ever be  born that will stand before God and account for everything done in the body.

Let me define something right now. True Christianity is “NOT” a Religion. Christianity is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and we have accepted His death burial and resurrection as the basis for forgiveness and eternal Salvation. Scholars who are much smarter than I am, have researched for years and have stated by their historical work of cultures, there has been over 4200 “Religions” since time as we know it. This is what separates Christianity from Religions

Christianity is based on what Jesus Christ, Gods Son did for us to reconcile us back to God. Salvation, forgiveness and eternal life for Christians, is based on what Christ did for us. Religions are all based on the persons “PERSONAL WORKS THAT THEY DO AND PERFORM. ” In all Religions they work their way to their heaven, and earn salvation. That is the difference.


If you have any real spiritual eyes, you can plainly see how the world and every false doctrine has moved into the churches. God’s Word and the very message of Salvation has been replaced or perverted, to satisfy evil humans desires. Worldly so called standards, have quickly replaced God and biblical standards. Everything associated with God has been revised and replaced with what the world called their new “NORMS.” There is wokeism, Social Justice reigns supreme, and political correctness has changed all the words and given them new definitions. The God and Jesus of the Bible are outdated and has been replaced with new redefined deities, which are worldly. 

God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Gods World is no longer relavant to the worlds societies. Humans no longer serve God, now God and Jesus serve man. Mankind have now made God in their image. Give me the the God that I want and will accept. I want the God that serves me and gives me what I want. My God will never condemn me, or tell me that I am wrong. There are now many roads and many ways to God.

Heaven is for everyone no matter who or what you are, or what you believe. All “RELIGIONS AND GODS,” are true and equal. The game today is lets all just come together and concentrate on what we have in common. We need a 1 world religion that is all inclusive for everyone. A God of judgment is not wanted or needed. And that old unacceptable dirty word (SIN) must be done away with. No persons self esteem or feelings, should ever be hurt, because of any idea or decision they make is right for them.

WE CHOOSE THE GOD FOR OUR LIFE, THAT WILL PLEASE US. Our God will accept us and bless us, no matter what we think, do or say. Simply put, mankind has now made God in his image.  Dear Reader, how many games do you see here?


This is a true statement for so many in certain denominations. Just look at and ask the leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation who claim to be the sole authority on earth. They possess more power and authority than the original Apostles of Jesus. The sad part is how they are growing and suckering in more weak unlearned so called Christians. Now, here are the many games they play. 

God wants to give you everything you want. You just do not have enough faith to believe God for it. That is the “name it and claim it false doctrine.” Give more to the ministry and “GOD IS OBLIGATED TO RETURN IT TO YOU 100 FOLD.” You cannot obligate God to anything. Come to us and we will give you many spiritual gifts that you want and seek for. (LIARS, FAKES AND CON-MEN). Then the Health and Wealth Gospel. I am rich, God wants everyone to be rich. Buy my book and it will tell you how you can be rich like me.

IF JESUS OR THE APOSTLES DID IT, WE CAN DO IT.” Do you want or need a Miracle? We can do it, for this amount of money, God gave us the same power the Apostles had. (Yea, they need another Jet to fly in or another multi-million dollar mansion.) Signs, wonders, Miracles, the Supernatural, and the Spectacular is their claim and game. Have you ever had someone tell you this: “YOU ARE BEING GAMED.” That is a fact. Wait until these fakes and gamers stand before God. They teach and preach a false gospel and a Religious experience, leading people to hell. The death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ has been replaced with so called praise, worship and miracle services. Why do these fakes keep saying,GOD NEEDS YOUR MONEY, BUT THEY GIVE THEIR OWN ADDRESS OF WHERE TO SEND IT?”


Dear Reader, I can go on and on with the games that are played in Religious circle and so called churches but I think you get the picture. GAMES AND MORE GAMES. I talked at the beginning about those 4200 false Religions. I believe Satan started everyone of them to pull people away from the true and living God. Look around our world today and you will openly see people proclaiming how they have sold their soul to the Devil for fame and fortune. Satanism and Paganism is very popular in our world today. 

There is one Religious Cult which does not even claim to be Christian. They have a headquarters in Rome with their supreme leader equal with Christ. They control the Salvation of billions and have the power to take it away, and let you spend eternity in hell. What an evil game leading sincere people away from Salvation and God. This is a works based fake salvation. Let me talk about that dirty word I mentioned earlier. (SIN). This is what separated humans from God all the way back in the garden of Eden. The sin issue has always been God’s problem with sinful humans. He cannot and will never accept sin, but He can and will forgive it if you come to Him His way. 

Right now, as I type this article, The Globalists and Religious Cult leaders around the world are setting up a ONE WORLD CULT RELIGION. Too many Religions of the world have already signed on board. It will be headed and run by the man of sin (SATAN) and the false prophet. Now add the new one world government to this. Every human left on earth after the Rapture of the church will be forced to accept it or die. You will accept it and take his mark (sign of ownership of you) or die. Revelation 16:2 and 19:20 and Revelation 13:1. Dear Friend, this is coming very soon-get ready.

As I speak right now there are “LEGIONS OF LIARS ALL OVER THIS WORLD DECEIVING EVERYONE.”Jesus said of Satan, John 8:44 ” “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” SATAN IS LEADING THE LEGION OF LIARS!

There is only one hope for anyone and only one escape. That is in the person of Jesus Christ who came to earth, was beaten battered, bruised, stripped and gave His life for your and my sins. He died was buried and resurrected from the grave to buy our forgiveness from God. Jesus became our substitute and paid with His own blood in our place.

Jesus satisfied God for us. This is the true doctrine and gospel of the Bible. NOTHING ELSE OR NO OTHER RELIGION OR FALSE DOCTRINE WILL GET YOU TO HEAVEN. I Corinthians 15:3-4 “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” Jesus paid the price for OUR sins and satisfied God.

Right now, you have FREE WILL given to you by God and you can choose Jesus and Heaven or Satan and Hell. During the 7-year Tribulation your choice of Jesus will cost you your life. Look, we have all messed up, done wrong things we have all sinned. Sin separates us from a Holy God, and God will never accept sin. BUT HE WILL FORGIVE IT AND MAKE YOU HIS CHILD, most people have heard of John 3:16 and Gods love for everyone. Romans 10:13 says, “For who so ever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Will you turn from yourself and turn to God? Will you bow your heart and turn to God for forgiveness and Salvation? Ask God for forgiveness and receive Christ, as your personal Lord and Savior. Will you do it now?

If you have turned to God and received God’s forgiveness and Salvation, would you please let me know in the comment section below so that I may rejoice with you. Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them below in the left bottom REPLY comment section. And enjoy this song below. It is not a Christian song but fits right in, and has much truth in it. RAY

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