This article is called, “The God Of Science.” There are probably many different articles on science as their God, I have not looked to see, but I wanted to write this one. I found an article called “Religious Beliefs that Science has Debunked (But People Still Cling To).” I want to post it here for your entertainment and your opinion will be greatly appreciated. This story is by Jeff Davis, and the organization is listed, as: Since launching in 2014, Bolde has been a top destination for millennial and Gen Z women seeking advice on life & love. Bolde provides some of the best dating & relationship advice on the web along with daily trending news and lifestyle stories. It is on MSN.
We live in a world today that screams, “TRUST THE SCIENCE, TRUST THE SCIENCE.” NO DO NOT TRUST THE SCIENCE, THAT IS IF YOU HAVE A BRAIN. I will comment after I finish the MSN article.
Isn’t it totally amazing how there is Scientific doctrine and advice for every subject in your life. You must realize that you have no opinion unless it comes from the “god of science.” I grew up in a different generation and watched how Science would change their textbook, every time they dug up a new bone in China. And they still play that game. The Science gods have never created anything. They “ALWAYS” have to take something that God Created then try and improve on that, then pat themselves on the back and say, “LOOK AT WHAT WE CREATED.”
Yes, there have been scientific advancements throughout history and technology has advanced. MANKIND HAS NEVER, EVER, TAKEN NOTHING AND MADE SOMETHING! Science will never accept God because they cannot take God, put Him under a microscope or test tube, shake Him up and analyze Him. And mankind has always had this great need to be in total control and be their own little “god.” In reality, neither Science nor the science gods, cannot keep themselves alive forever-only God the creator has done that or can do that.
Science denies the very soul and spirit that gives them eternal life when their own flesh body dies and corrupts. Genesis 3:19 “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it, was thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.” Understand one thing, Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning GOD, Not Science.” Science has become their little god and that is what they live by.
One day the dear folks at Bolde and MSN will personally meet the Creator, the one true God of heaven and earth, in person. Hebrews 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” Dear Reader, God is real, and Satan is real. God’s creation proves His existence. Creation demands a creator. Sin and sorrow are also real. And the consequences for Sin and death are very real, and those consequences are eternal. Romans 3:10 and Romans 6:23.
Science cannot and will never explain eternity, heaven and hell. God provided the answers to that. If you are depending upon science to give you eternal life than you are so foolish. You already have eternal life the question for you is, where will you spend it? Dear Reader, here is your only hope in this life. GOD VERSES SCIENCE. I challenge you to click on the blue link and understand the truth. It is your only hope of Forgiveness and eternal Salvation. Understand the “TRUTH” and God is true and does not change.
Sin separated us from God all the way back in the garden of Eden with our original parents, Adam and Eve. This broke our relationship and fellowship with God our Creator. God will never ever accept any sin because of who He is. But He will forgive all sin. God cannot and will never accept sin because of who He is. BUT HE WILL FORGIVE SIN AND GIVE YOU ETERNAL SALVATION. God sent His only begotten son (JESUS) to die on a cruel cross and pay for our sins. II Corinthians 5:21 “For he (GOD) hath made him (JESUS) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” This is the only means of Salvation in the entire universe.
If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and have never been forgiven for sin, will you turn from yourself and turn to God for salvation and forgiveness? Will you bow your heart and (ASK) call on God? Will you put your faith and trust in Jesus for Salvation? Romans 10:13 “For who so ever shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved.” FRIEND, DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH YOU REALLY NEED GOD IN YOUR LIFE?
If you have called upon God and asked for forgiveness and Salvation, would you please let me know below in the comment section at the bottom so I can rejoice with you. Also, all comments, thoughts and opinions are welcome so leave them at the bottom in the reply section. Please enjoy the beautiful song here. RAY