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This article is called, “The Hyper Charismatic Movement.” Yes, dear reader the charismatic movement has moved into over drive and gone hyper. One big reason is their “NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION MOVEMENT” which is now a cult. When you become the sole authority over Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, (INCLUDING GODS WORD) then you are in deep trouble and developed your own cult. It also reminds me of the Vatican Pope, who thinks HE controls everyone salvation. 


So what is different now in the (NAR), new hyper charismatic movement? One answer is “TRUTH.” Your “EXPERIENCES” have now become your truth, not God’s Word. The more experiences you have the more truth you get. I have been listening very closely to Charismatics who are leaving and cannot take any more of the Hyper Charismatic Religion. Here is what is “DEMANDED” of them by the Hyper new Prophets, Apostles, and the entire NAR doctrine leadership. More experiences, more gifts, more Spiritual, more Supernatural,  more discipline, more dedication, more works, more serving, more giving, more submission, and the list of more’s goes on and on. Yet those elites at the top do not demand this of themselves. It is all about the success, never the struggles. Instant gratification not faith. We want the good stuff. 

These dear people say they want a real spiritual connection, but they do not know with who or what, and this is sad. But they continue on looking for it through new experiences. Many have stated that they do not feel loved by God so they turn to a substitute, so they manufacture something, that will please them. They are needy and are asking, “God why have you not come down and give me a big hug and kiss? (NO JOKE). I feel far from God and they want to be emotionally connected to God, not just by faith. It is sad to hear them say this. 

People want to demonstrate some sort of power they do not have. And they keep seeking for the Supernatural, trying to find that gift or anointing. Yet others who appear to have that gift mis-uses it. Unfortunately, these are outside the boundaries of Scripture. Paul and Morgan who were in this movement said, “They were operating in their own emotions and not the Word of God. They wanted instant gratification not faith. They were constantly told to keep their mouth shut and over and over were instructed, over and over, not to say a word or “TOUCH NOT THE LORDS ANOINTED” the leadership. The leadership is the authority, who is never wrong and they are superior nd idolized in the church. Paul and Morgan stated, today’s gospel is all about US, and what WE are doing. They were describing a works salvation based on their performance. They wanted to know how do you earn God’s favor? THAT IS A WORKS SALVATION THAT YOU EARN.


And that totally wears out the flesh. It was not authentic and it was the constant pursuit of something bigger and better than me, says Morgan. The gospel should have excited us, but it did not. What was pushed was PROPHECY and the celebrity Spiritual Giants, you could never question them because of their status and their authority, because they were never wrong. They stated they got so tired of pursuing everything ELSE, and finally decided to pursue “JESUS.” AMEN. They stated, “The gospel of Jesus Christ is what should have excited us, not everything else. They now asked, “What more do you need but Jesus and the fruit of the Spirit? They stated the fruits of the spirit is real, and not flashy like the “FIRE” they had been told they needed. THANK YOU JESUS. 

The Charismatics I watched for hours all said one thing, even thought they did not know each other. They stated the whole movement was based on one thing. “FIRE, FIRE, FIRE.” And it had to come from so called “GIFTSsigns, wonders, miracles, Spiritualism, the supernatural and emotionalism. According to them this was, and is the major thing, in all church services and ministry. Now that is their words, not mine, they lived it, not me. The truth is you are trying to Reform the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, and claim all of their power and authority for themselves. These fakes consider themselves the “SPIRITUAL ELITE.” Just like the Religious rulers in Jesus day. 


What you are seeing today with the NAR, The Hyper Charismatic Movement is based on New so called Revelation and Old and New Prophecy. God’s Word is not good enough for this new progressive world and churches. There must be “REPLACEMENT THELOGY.” More modern, more up to date. New Prophecy New Revelation. I have watched endless church services for years waiting to see and hear one thing. And that one thing is this. “THE REAL MESSAGE OF THE DEATH BURIAL AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST.” The Scriptures, the Word of God is not enough to get a person into the body of Christ, forgiven and saved by the blood of Jesus. What I do see and hear is this: “YOU NEED A NEW EXPERIENCE WITH GOD.” Satan majors in experiences. 

The Apostle Paul wrote half of the New Testament. Paul was a real scholar even before his conversion to Christ. He did not have a progressive gospel, no health and wealth gospel. He explained how the gifts of the spirit were worthless without the fruit of the spirit. You do not see that today. Paul said this was his only message. I Corinthians 2:2 ““For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” Dear New Apostolic Reformation Movement, I am still waiting to hear that message from you. Dear Mega-Churches, where is that message? Dear Charismatic Churches, where is that message? We already know, that message has been replaced, with new Revelation and Prophecy. But you are progressive. 

The only thing “HYPER” about Paul and the original Apostles was their zeal to spread the real message of Salvation to a lost and dying world and they did. And it cost them their lives to do so. Here is what the NAR needs to do and finally understand. First, Satan is always willing to give you a fake experience. Second, Satan is more than willing to share all the “LAKE OF FIRE WITH YOU.”

People today want a “RELIGION” without consequences. A religion without Jesus, or a false Jesus, made in mans image. This is acceptable in many churches. Their acceptance is based on the size of their wallet, pocket book and bank card. All are welcome so come on in and sin. You want God’s blessings, you pay for it. Buy my books to see how you can be rich like me and successful. We promise to give you a fake Jesus with a false feel good gospel. You will love our entertainment.

WE ARE WOKE AND PROGRESSIVE.” WE ARE SUCCESSFUL AND RULE. WE HAVE NEW REVELATION AND PROPHECY. This is the biggest popular movement of today. They only represent the culture of the world today, with all of its Political Correctness and social issues. Social Justice warriors only represent their social agenda, not what God values.

Here is the worst part of this article. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit have become irrelevant in so called  churches. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, has been replaced with modern day progressive programs and false doctrines. Churches have moved from being God centered to man centered. Jesus has been “HUMANIZED” to fit the wants of secular churches. Jesus Deity has been stripped away.

Go look in the mirror and tell me the person you see has never sinned? Never did anything wrong never thought anything wrong or never said anything wrong. We all know better than that. Do you really think the things you do, and your works pleases God? Do not be deceived by Satan. Your own works will send you to hell, the works of Jesus will get you in heaven and give you salvation. This is your choice and you do have free will, the ability to choose.

Romans 6:23 tells us how sin kills us. Yes, sin is a killer and that is why we all die. ALL Sin will be punished in hell for ever including all sinners. You can escape this, and God made a way if you will accept His sacrifice and forgiveness of sin. Romans 10:13 says, For who so ever shall (ASK) and call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Will you turn to God for forgiveness and Salvation? Will you bow you heart and call on God right now if you have never been saved. Will you ask for forgiveness and receive Jesus into your heart and life as your own personal Savior? Will you put your faith and trust in Christ for Salvation and forgiveness, right now?

If you have just prayed and asked for forgiveness and received Jesus Christ forgiveness, would you please let me know below in the comment section so I can rejoice with you. And all thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them below. Now please enjoy this beautiful song in the video here.

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