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I have posted this BLUE LINK at the very beginning of this article. It is not a long video but I think it has so much truth about exactly what is going on within the whole New Apostolic Reformation and Charismatic movement. The gentleman in question was very involved in this movement, thinking it was Salvation and Forgiveness of sin, then he came to Jesus Christ, and accepted the Gospel of Christ, and was born again and Saved. I am so glad he found the Lord and the truth of God’s Word. He spoke of “The charismatic church and emotionalism!!Why it’s dangerous.”⚠️

He nails the argument with facts and scripture. Please click the blue link and see for yourself. Are you going to let a false Religion of deception, keep you from heaven? Dear Reader, do not let some false doctrine, or False Prophet  or organization keep you away from Gods Salvation and forgiveness in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Christians are going to be leaving earth in the Rapture of the church-coming very soon. Then it will be a time of hell on earth-No Joke. Satan in flesh will come on the scene and take over the earth. Check Revelation Chapter 13 for more details. You can escape this and be in heaven with God.

This present Evil world only offers you Emptiness,  sin and Satan. Satan will take over and be the false messiah, the Superman the world has always wanted. Then he will stamp you (like branding a cow) it will be his seal of ownership called, “THE MARK OF THE BEAST,” You really do not want to be here on earth during the 7 year Tribulation period. This will be hell on earth when God pours out His 21 judgments on this earth in ALL of His wrath and fury. Revelation 6-19. As the Bible tells us over 50% of earths population will die in the tribulation.

Finally, and most important is this, YOU NEED TO KNOW FOR A FACT THAT JESUS CHRIST IS YOUR OWN PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOR. God is real and so is Satan. Heaven is real and so is hell. Sin has always separated us from God because of who God is. He cannot and will never accept sin but He will forgive it, because Jesus paid for sin for us. Jesus came to earth and died a cruel death on the cross to pay for our sins and satisfy God’s judgment. II Corinthians 5:21 “For he (GOD) hath made him (JESUS) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection were for us, and gives us FORGIVENESS and eternal Salvation.

It is free to us, but it cost Jesus His very life to pay for our sins. Will you bow your heart and turn from yourself and turn to God? Will you ask for forgiveness and receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? Will you put your faith and trust in Jesus? I assure you on the word of God that He will save you and give you a new life in Christ. Romans 10:13 says, “For who so ever shall (ASK) call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Bow your heart and ask God. This is one prayer God will ALWAYS answer. GOD CAN FILL YOUR EMPTINESS WITH LOVE AND JOY-AMEN

If you have prayed and been forgiven, then please let me know in the comment section below so I can rejoice with you. And your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them below in the Reply section on the bottom left.  RAY

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