This article is called “Through It All.” I have never written about a song in any of my articles, but I am going to now. See, this song has very special meaning to me. The words of this song are so true and has meaning for all of our lives. The past the present and future. It is relevant because of all
that we have gone through or will ever go through. Normally I will post a video at the end of my article, but not this time. I want to post this video right here so you will understand what I am talking about. PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS NOW.
I do hope you enjoyed this song but more than that is the meaning of all we go through in our lives. This song was written by Andrae Crouch, and the Booth Brothers did a great job in singing the short version. In this day and era that we live in right now, this song gives us hope in God to live by. None of us knows what tomorrow holds or what we will face. And in this present world I see more and more EVIL, then GOOD. Let’s face the truth, it is only getting worse and worse every day.
I think if I ask you, “What have you been through?” You would probably say, “Well, I think I could write a book.” Most of us could, but in reality “GOD DID“ and told us so much about Himself and us. His book is factual and tells us about the past, the present and the future. It used to be the best-selling book in the world. Now it is being re-written, but from a humanist standpoint. Understand, God and His word is no longer relevant, and is not in sync with today’s Politically Correct world. His Word is outdated and full of hate speech according to the new world order, so He has to go.
I’ve had many tears and sorrows: A life fully of heartache and pain, no one cares. I hate life. I prayed for years and not 1 prayer got answered. If God is so good, why did He create Evil?
I’ve had questions for tomorrow: Who am I? Why am I here, and where am I going? Why was I even born? What will slap me in the face tomorrow? People claim to be Christians, but I do not see any God in their life. FAKES. There is no evidence.
There’s been times I didn’t know right from wrong: It’s all backwards now, being moral is bad and immoral is good. Sin is a dirty word; we have to change every offensive word. I am now “WOKE.” I have to go along with the world to get along, you know. God is just Santa Claus for adults. No one can prove God exist.
But in every situation: Hebrews 13:5 “For He hath said, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Just go away God, we do not want you or need you. I can be good without God.
God gave me trusted consultation: What has God ever done for me? You want to console me, then give me what I want. Evolution makes more sense.
That He only gave me trials, to make me strong: Trials? I am tired of being beat down, even by you God. Nothing good ever happens to me. If He really was God, He could prevent Suffering. 
Through it all: My life is hard and miserable, no one cares. So, where is God, I am waiting. You say you worship God, but you make Him sound like a sadistic narcissist God. Why does He want to burn everyone? If He is real, He is absent, and no one can see Him. If God is real, why are there so many Religions?
Through it all: I struggle everyday just to survive, but you say God cares and loves me? If I am an atheist, you Christians only insult my intelligence. Your Religion is all about control, laws and rituals. I get enough of that from the government. A life without Religion and God, is a life of freedom.
I’ve learned to trust in Jesus: That song says through it all? I think it is talking about everyone’s life. It has to be from birth to death and its meaning. It talked about “TRUST AND BELIEVING.” So, how could I trust in Jesus, if he did not exist? There would be no death, burial and resurrection as Christians believe. There would be no “SALVATION” for anyone. And all Religions would be worthless. The Bible would only be man’s fantasies’ and no better than fairy tales. There would be no consequences or punishment for “SIN.”
I’ve learned to trust in God: How could I trust in God, or his Word? Christians say God lives inside of them, but they cannot see Him. If God does not exist, there would be no Creation, and evolution and science would be true. Neither would there be any Devil or demons. There would be no after life, heaven or hell. When you die, that is it, you are dead and just rot in the ground. There would be no such thing as a Christian or Christian Music, and this song would all be FAKE.
Through it all: Life is hard, and how I struggle. Why isn’t God the same to everyone?
Through it all: Life is never changes, same thing, just a different day. If God really existed, no one knows what He is like. Even the Bible contradicts Him.
I’ve learned to depend upon his word: Even Religions confuse me, “WHICH ONE IS RIGHT?” Denominations dis-credit each other. Preachers give different messages. Who do you trust? Even the Bible has different version, is one of them, right? They all speak about God, but which God. They also say, Science, Evolution and the Big Bang proves there was no creation by God, so how can you depend on God’s Word.
So, I thank God for the mountains: I like the mountain tops, PARTY, PARTY, Sex, drugs and hard rock and roll–WHOO HOOOO! Let’s have fun. Do your own thing, it is your right. I like going from one high to the next one. This is the only thing that makes me happy. It is all I have in this life. That is all I share with friends. It’s all about the game.
And I thank him for the valleys: I am so lows, no one cares or loves me. People only use me, and I let them. I guess I am so desperate for attention. Bad attention is better than no attention. My friends are Vampires, they suck me dry. I am so empty. Why am I always betrayed? I don’t like this game and I do not know how to change it. “IS THERE REALLY A DEVIL AND EVIL?”
And I thank him for the storms he brought me through: Life never changes, it’s like hell on earth. Will I ever be happy? What did I do to deserve this, it is non-stop. I have no one and no hope or
help. Every day is just a repeat, and nothing changes.
For if I’d never had a problem: I never asked for all these problems. I tried to be good to people and where did it get me? Nobody cares for me. They just want to use me. I have no peace, only stress. Is this your pay back God? I tried to be good, it does not work. I feel worthless, and helpless.
How would I know that He could solve them: How could God solve my problems, He never listens to me. No wonder I doubt that He is real. I am so empty. I can’t sleep and relations with others totally suck. I am hurt and burned out, I TRUST NO ONE BUT ME. I have no work and no money, but He won’t help solve it.
How would I know what faith in God can do: Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV ” 8 For by grace are you saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Faith and believing are twins. 2 sides of the same coin. Every person has faith and believes something, God made us that way.
Through it all: Life is real, and it has no meaning. Total Confusion.
Through it all: Life is all repetition, same thing, just a different day. I wish I could change it.
I’ve learned to trust in Jesus: That song says through it all? I think it is talking about everyone’s life. It has to be from birth to death and its meaning. It talked about “TRUST AND BELIEVING.” So, how could I trust in Jesus, if he did not exist? There would be no death, burial and resurrection as Christians believe. There would be no “SALVATION” for anyone. And all Religions would be worthless. The Bible would only be man’s fantasies’ and no better than fairy tales. There would be no consequences or punishment for “SIN.”
I’ve learned to trust in God: How could I trust in God, or his Word? Christians say God lives inside of them, but they cannot see Him. If God does not exist, there would be no Creation, and evolution and science would be true. Neither would there be any Devil or demons. There would be no after life, heaven or hell. When you die, that is it, you are dead and just rot in the ground. There would be no such thing as a Christian or Christian Music, and this song would all be FAKE
Through it all: I do not have much, but I would give it up for “TRUE LOVE.” I have tried praying, really, but I do not get an answer, so why pray? Either no one is there to hear me, or they are not interested in what I have to say. (Do you know silent and listen use the same letters?)
Through it all: In my lonely hours, I feel so all alone. I don’t know a thing in the whole wide world, that worse than being alone. I got thing, but they don’t make me happy. No one to share them with. I only have so called friends that steal them, then disappear. Trust none of them.
I’ve learned to depend upon His Word: People are liars they will tell you anything. Never trust the news or government. I don’t know if I could ever believe that Bible and all its stories.
I’ve learned to depend upon His Word: O.K. so who really wrote the Bible, and how many times has it been changed? Too many religions say their book is true and from God.
If you have read this far, I say, “THANK YOU.” I am sure someone is thinking to themselves, “BOY AM I CONFUSED.” The Christian Lyrics are very true and so is the Worlds Response. Christians also live in the world and feel the same way about what I wrote in the Worlds Response. Never forget that even Christians still live in a human body of flesh. Yes, you can identify with much of it, because Christian’s face feelings, emotions, and temptations, just like the world. Read this verse.
1 Corinthians 10:13 KJV ” There hath no temptation taken YOU, but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it.” This verse applies to every born-again Christian. WHY? The teacher is always silent during the test! Those who are NOT Christians, also have an escape, but their escape is putting their faith and trust in Christ through the new birth. That is called Salvation. Accept Christ sacrifice for you.
The Christian lyrics invokes the reality of Christians salvation and feelings of praise and gratitude that we have for our Savior. It shows us how God has always been with us, even when we did not feel it. Hebrews 13:5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” Why do Christians fail to realize that the Holy Spirit of God lives in us? Its only about 10 inches from your mind to your heart, He is that close. Those who are not saved cannot say that.
Have you forgotten that Satan is very real and works on “EVERYONES FLESH-EVEN CHRISTIANS?” God said, 1 John 2:16 KJV “ For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is NOT of the Father, but is of the world.” Is this your life and what you desire? That is what Satan wants to give you, and the consequences with it.
The lyrics says, I would never know what faith in God can do. I said faith and believing are twins. People say, “I do not have any faith.” Yes, you do, and you use it every day of your life. You get in your car and drive down the road IN FAITH BELIEVING you are going to get to your destination. If you believed that you would be run over and killed, you would not go. If you believed you would go to sleep and not wake up, you would not go to bed. You would fight sleep with everything in you. You use faith in ever action you choose. There are consequences to every choice you make. TRUST-FAITH-BELIEVING ARE all connected. God gave this to every human. He also gave you FREE WILL-THAT IS YOUR ABILITY TO CHOOSE. 
Simply put, we have all messed up and made mistakes. God calls that “SIN.” God will NEVER accept sin. Sin kills us, that is why everyone dies. Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23. God sent his son Jesus to die for our sin and sins. He paid the debt and penalty of sin so that we would not have too. He gave his life and his blood as the payment for sin-ALL SIN. You have a choice, accept that payment for you sin and receive salvation, or reject it and pay for your own sins with the consequences.
Your eternal destiny of heaven or hell is determined by your choice. Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call (ASK FOR FORGIVENESS) upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” That is what it takes. This concludes through it all article. If you asked God for forgiveness, He will forgive you. Let me know in the comment section below so I can rejoice with you. Your thoughts and opinions are welcome below in the comment section. RAY