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This article is called, “What is the greatest threat to our church in this generation?” I am sure there will be many different opinions, and I expect that, but I really believe I have narrowed it down to one thing, the big problem. And my answer may just surprise you. So, here is my answer, the greatest threat to “THE CHURCH” and local churches is this: “PASTORS AND LEADERSHIP.” I see in the Bible where ordained and instituted 3 offices. 1. Pastors, 2. Teachers, 3. Evangelist. The office of deacon is to primarily serve. These are for them ministry to the church and the world. Their leadership is paramount to the very body of Christ and all Christians. No one in today’s modern world ever looks at or question the Biblical Qualifications of those who claim this office, and in today’s world, it does not matter. PLEASE UNDERSTAND, THERE ARE NO MODERN DAY PROPHETS AND THERE ARE NO MODERN DAY APOSTLES. STAY AWAY FROM THE NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION MOVEMENT AND ALL OF THEIR DECEPTION


As evangelist and pastor Paul Washer says, I Peter 4:17 “For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” Where will Gods Judgment start? At the house of God the churches. And the leadership will be first on Gods Judgment list. It is not all about the sin and immorality that has been allowed in the church and blessed, it is about those who accepted it and allowed it. 

“Churches have accepted Pastors, Teachers, and Evangelists who has no Biblical knowledge at all. And no Biblical standards. They claim offices that are non-existent and spiritual gifts that no long exist today. They have never been converted to God, They lack Biblical knowledge, and they have no fear of God at all, in their lives. Then you have all of the foolishness happening in the pulpits all across the country and world. They have no Biblical elders or leadership.” END QUOTE. We live in a day where you have Spiritually Dead Preachers, standing in pulpits preaching a Spritually dead false gospel, and a spiritually dead message, to a spiritually dead people. This only leads them to hell. THAT IS A REAL PROBLEM. AMEN.

So called preachers stand in pulpit and preaches “CHURCH STUFF” to the people, and dead preachers are preaching dead stuff, to dead church members. They only produce dead church members with dead works. And that is why God calls them dead. To the real Christians who wants to serve God, God has not given us a spirit of fear, do not let fear drive you down and do not let fear cause you to give up. Christians need to be stirred up again and feel revival in their souls.

God has given us a spirit of love and a sound mind. We know God is in control and evil will not win. “WHAT DO YOU PREFER OVER GODS PRESENCE?” W. O. E. UNDERSTAND PREACHERS CAN SPEAK DEATH OR LIFE. The Apostle Paul said, I Corinthians 9:16 “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” Now people will not like this statement but it is true. God requires 3 things of His children. “CLEAN HANDS, A PURE HEART AND HOLY LIVING.” WILL YOU ALLOW THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD TO PROCUCE THAT IN YOU?

The churches are run on Liberalism and personal opinion, not on Gods Word or standard. They must reform every everything, about God, and that  including God, His word, His church and His standards, and His church. “WHEN DID GOD EVER NEED REFORMING?” God does not and has never conformed to mans so called non-standards. In reality they are following Satan’s plans.” It is time to destroy the church from WITHIN.

Understand, God gave us the qualifications in His word, and anyone who does not meet these qualifications, has no right to hold these offices. Mankind totally ignores Gods Word, and Gods standards, and sets out to make their own rules and qualifications. Years ago, my dad said, “Son, if you take the money out of preaching, 99% of so called preachers would quit.” He was  correct. There are actual business’ where you can send a fee to them, and have your self, man, woman, or you dog or cat officially “ORDAINED.” No joke. Then you will receive your certificate or ordination papers through the mail.

God only created 2 genders, male and female. This holds true in the animal kingdom also. I have never seen a pig, go into a gender, identity crisis, and proclaim the are a donkey or stallion. The pronoun people created this, not God. Anything is acceptable today and people claim to come from the planet “GENDER-TURD.” The sad part is, how the churches has accepted and welcomed it. 

Do you truly want and accept this bunch of bull? Are you so blind that you cannot see Satans handy work in pulling everyone he can, away from the true and living God of Salvation and Forgiveness? No church or Religious program will ever get you from earth to heaven, but those can and will give you an eternal home in hell for all eternity. 


THE WORLD AND ITS NEW CULTURE of immorality and sin, has moved into the churches. This is now acceptable in so many churches. Also, there are many Religions on earth, and they will ALL send you to hell. BECAUSE THEY DO NOT RECONCILE OR DEAL WITH THE SIN ISSUE, WHICH IS GODS AND MANS PROBLEM. Never think your civilization, Religion, or culture can ever Save You. MANKINDS WORKS AND CHANGING CULTURES, WILL LEAD YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL REGARDLESS TO WHAT FALSE DOCTINE OR RELIGION YOU BELIEVE. All Religions are based on humans works. Jesus is left out of all Religions. The Paradise man wants to create on this earth, will never happen.

The sin issue has been all of mankind’s and God’s problem from the beginning. God did not create all of mankind just to burn us in hell.  God never created ROBOTS, He gave all of us a great gift called FREE WILL, and you have it also. You have the CHOICE to accept or reject God and his forgiveness of sin. God provided the way of forgiveness for us. He sent his perfect only begotten son JESUS to pay the consequences of sin for us. Jesus took our place as our substitute and suffered and died on a Roman cross for ALL SIN-EVERYONES SIN, so we could be reconciled back to God and FORGIVEN. II Corinthians 5:21 “For he (GOD) hath made him ( JESUS) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

This is your decision; it is so eternally serious because the consequences will also be eternal. If you have never been saved by the grace of God, I ask that would you bow your heart, (ASK GOD) right now, and ask God to save you and come live in your life. Receive him by faith. Place your faith and trust in Jesus. I John 1:12 “12 But as many as received him, to them HE gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:”                                                         

I find it hard in this world and Culture today to see the difference in the Church and the world, THAT IS A REAL SHAME. I am not asking you to join any church or affiliation. I am asking you to enter a personal relationship with Jesus Christ for Salvation.  HOW CAN YOU NOT SEE THE EVIL IN THIS WORLDS CULTURE, TAKING OVER, EVEN CHURCHES? Romans 10:13 says, “For who so ever shall call (ASK) on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” If you have done this, and received Jesus Christ, then please let me know so that I can rejoice with you.

Your thoughts, opinions and comments are welcome so leave them in the left, bottom, REPLY comment section below. Please listen to this beautiful song.  RAY.


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