“You Blew It.” Have you ever said that to yourself? Did I really blow it? I know I did not. Something has to make sense. Will I have another chance? Whether you blew it or not, there are consequences. I write this for friends or guest who will come to my site. I hope this will be beneficial for you. It has been for me.
This phrase or idiom, You Blew It, is used frequently. It’s a mode of expression. You blew it, is regarded as a slang term in American society. Answers.com says, “the meaning of the American slang phrase “Blew it” means to really drop the ball, mess something up, or miss an opportunity.”What Did It Mean To Me
I am going to share with you my heart in all truth and honesty. I worked very hard all my life. I have always been a good, dedicated employee. I have always said, “Give it your very best or don’t do it at all.” Do not throw your job away.” Every person needs a job and has to make a living. Even if it is a dead-end job.
Again, I will be truthful and honest, so here it is. In the process of working, there are many jobs you take. You can have a job, do it well, yet hate the job. A job can mean nothing more, than a Paycheck. You may be good at it. You can also hate the job because your heart is not in it.
When you get older (like me) things do get harder. You find yourself in competition with those who are younger or more educated. They want to replace you, take your job or put you out of work. I know this, because it happened to me. My work ended. Now, it is harder to find a job. Age hurts you in many cases. So does being told. “You are overqualified.”
It was a bitter pill to swallow, when I realized, I was not wanted or needed. It makes you feel, you are no longer valuable to anyone. I will not talk about all the mental or psychological affects you receive from it. You lose hope, it makes you look and evaluate your life. You do ask yourself, “Did I do something wrong? My answer was NO! So, “What will I do now?” 
Now What Will You Do
This was me, wanting and needing a job. Wanting a future. If there was no opportunity for me, I would have to make one. I was pretty much forced into retirement and had to accept it. It did not mean I had to give up or lay down and die.
My computer skills are very good. I started looking at what I could do, what I was good at. The idea of a website or blog was good. I could run it from home, and it was exactly what I needed. I started looking and researching online.
I have always been a Realist. This simply means, I see things for what they really are. I found one company that was legit and wanted to help me build a successful website. The training and skills they taught were second to none. The best part was it was all free and I really appreciated this. When life hands you lemons, then make lemonade.
I get many messages and a lot of spam telling me how I need to monetize my website and turn it into a business. I will NOT do that, and I have no affiliates or affiliate marketing. My website is a labor of love for all who come here, especially my family and friends. I share my heart, knowledge, skills and abilities here. My main goal and purpose is to share with others and hope they will learn something from what I post.
I have many articles that I share and feel very blessed. When I leave this world, my website and all my writings will be a “LEGACY” to my children. I think my website will outlive me, but my articles will remain.
I want you to understand a few things? I am grateful to those who trained me and gave me the skills to build this website. I am now doing what I always wanted to do. I am teaching and training others. I am doing what I am passionate about. I only wish I had been able to do this years ago.
I have a new opportunity. My website helped change my life. It allows me to teach, train, share great information and help others. There is no greater goal or feeling you can have then being able to help others. It makes all the difference in the world when you know you made a real difference in someone’s life!
I titled this article, “You blew it.” No, I did not blow it, and in hindsight I truly know it. I guess at some point in everyone’s life, you feel that way. What I want to really say is. “Life does not stand still for anyone. Life dictates that we go on. You can let things make you bitter or better. I choose to learn from it, move on and make things better.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask or leave a REPLY at the left bottom Reply section. Ray
Hello Ray,
I read your blog on love, I love the Beatles. “What Blew Me Away” impressed me with your sincere voice coming through. You blogged about losing a job that you did well but didn’t really like. I think there are many people in circumstances that were unavoidable at the time, but now they have a great new opportunity in Wealthy Affiliate. It seems so far-fetched in a far-reaching sea of scams. It is legit and lovely to have a great new start isn’t it?
Dear Miss Janette. Thank you for the message and the kind words, they do mean a lot to me. I have tried to keep one thing in my mind and I know it is the most important thing? God is in control so when life hands you lemons then make lemonade! I am working hard here and have so much to learn but I intend on making it. Stay in touch and let me know how you are doing also?
Thank you for writing your thoughts down in this blog. It really made me think. It made me think about What do I wanna do? Where do I wanna be in 5 years?
I feel you are so correct in your age related description. It is terrible the world has come to a place where you are able to be replaced for something better, no matter what qualities and/or knowledge you possess. Is this really the world we wanna pass on to our children? The thought of never being good enough?
I am very happy for you, that you came across Wealthy Affiliates. No word can describe a persons need to be valued, appreciated for whom they are. You describe it so well.
I wish you all the best in your new life, where you are appreciated for the person you are, and are able to live the life you dream about 🙂
Thank you Mona for your kind words. When life hands you lemons then make lemonade. I wish you all the best and God’s Blessings on you and your work. Come back anytime.
Hi Ray,
Your blog has given me fresh hope ! 3 months ago I was made redundant after 25 years with the same company….I enjoyed every year of the job I was in, I have since started up myself as a sub contractor and the company that made me redundant now sub work to me !
I have always been interested in how people actually make money online, and wondered if it was ever posible until one day by chance really I came accross Kyle, checked out WA inserted my e-mail address and name etc and here i am after 5 days wading through the training wondering whether it is worth it, then I read your blog.
Thankyou for being there at just the right time and good luck for the future………….Jim
Thank you for your comment and kind words. I Understand what you are saying. We are all in this together. Stay in touch and we will work together.
Hi Ray;
Thank you for your blog. As I read I pictured myself in the story line. However, you expressed it better than I will ever be able to because you lived it and wrote your own story. In fact, as we age we all are living the same story.
I have been a member of the community for 4 months and I could truly say I came here in search of a way to make money online but I found much more. To be able to read; share, experience and thought with community is much more.
Thank you Curtis, I do understand your feelings. Money is not everything and I know you realize that. I keep saying, “The most important thing you will ever give anyone is your own personal attention.”
I can’t say that I can relate to loosing a job due to younger people, but my parents have went through the same thing so in a way I can relate. I’m happy that you found what you were looking for and I’m sure you’re gonna be very successful. When someone has passion about what they do, It’s not only a job, it’s exciting. WA is a great place to be and learn. Wish you much success!
Thank you Jazmin, We have to make the best with what life gives us. I think most of the time, your attitude is more important than the circumstances. I am glad to be here at WA also.
Hi Ray,
You have a very nice looking website.
Lovely big text, especially for us oldies who have failing eyesight.
The information is very well thought through and put together.
Great supporting pictures and the paragraphs aren’t too long separated by nice big headings.
I would recommend though, to put a couple of pictures on the left, rather than have them all on the right. This will balance the whole article just nicely.
All in all – great article.
Thanks Geoff_n_Jane. I appreciate you being here and the suggestions you made I will work on them.